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Posts posted by Angel.6085

  1. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @"Chaba.5410" said:The track is a giant Black Lion Chest with a guaranteed mount skin for only 600-700 gems...

    For a reskin of a skin that only costs 400 gems.

    90% of all mount skins are reskins, especially for 400 gems. The rest is more than made up with the remaining rewards in the track. Your point?

    What remaining rewards? :D
    • 1 BLC key
    • all 6 mount minis (valued at around 1.5g each, which means an immediate return of around 7-9 gold)
    • 1 BLC ticket (in form of 10 tickets scraps), another 25-50 gold depending on which skin you chose
    • 7 Mystic Clover (another 30 gold value in legendary crafting materials)
    • 3 boxes of Season 4 map materials
    • random other loot

    The 200 gold price tag was to be expected. I'm sorry players once again got their hopes up for "free stuff". Anyone who spent 1 minute on looking at past reward implementation and tried approaches would have expected a price of 100-200 gold (based on gem value of regular mount skins). I was actually quite surprised there was that much extra stuff in that track. Honestly, I'd be rerunning that track for 100 gold even without the mount skin.

    no skin is worth 200g for me especially mount skin id probably wouldnt even buy a mount skin for 1g.

    Sure, you are not forced in getting it. It's optional.

    i know its but people like moi we do mainly WvW barely look on TP and just dump everything in bank or leave it in inventory do not even make close to 20g a week well i dont tbh since i dont even bother with dailys if i get them done nice if not cool also.

    anyway i know im a expection but wvw doesnt yield kitten load of gold i think 200 is over the top.especially when new mount skin is actually ugly as hell :x

    Yeah, not buying it. I WvW a lot, it certainly is not as lucrative as high end PvE farms (which yield around 20-30 gold per hour), but it's far from where you are suggesting it's at (or you simply afk at spawn for pips, and even that rewards more than 20 gold per week) .

    If you are dumping everything in bank, you have valuable resources which could be converted to gold. Even without that though, WvW nets more than enough in gold for vets unless you spend gold left and right, which would be a spending issue and not a reward issue.

    Back in the day, circa 2013 iirc we calculated what a WvW player makes per night and after siege it was around 1.5 - 3 gold. This was based on a play time of 2 hours per night with a guild. So for a guild like mine that does 4 nights a week that is 6-12g per week for a flat 8 hours of time. That was before reward tracks.

    Now we get so much crap to sell you should be making waaaaaaaayy over 20 g per week. I make my old 2013 earnings now in just merchant fodder.Is WvW lucrative or a valid way to earn gold? Absolutely not. But 200g is obtainable.

    I think the bigger argument should have been that the build changes are going to cost us all a lot of gold to implement and it was perhaps short sighted of them to make the track 200g with that in mind... or perhaps they wanted one thing to still be on someones bucket list next week.

  2. @"TheBlakeNorn.5732" said:Don't introduce me to a Ferrari and then take it back and give me a Toyota.

    If you can't afford the maintenance on a ferrari then you can't afford a ferrari.

    I'm actually a toyota fanboi. And I'll keep my MR2 over a ferrari any day. :)

    Cars aside. You do know that the "ferrari" isn't the only super car? Cars actually are still being made and engineered to be even better cars. Sometimes a car comes out that is better than your car. You either adapt or get eaten. That's not the fault of the manufacturer.

  3. @kash.9213 said:

    When we're told we'll get a skin that we can earn in game through a reward track (not gemstore) and then we find out our new thing is basically a gemstore item it doesn't matter if we're not forced or if it's optional, that's still a real letdown and says a lot about what they think of WvW players going forward.

    It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this. Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money.

    You 100% can earn this in game.

  4. Another GW1 vet here. GW1 was stale also. GW2 also gets stale. WvW has been stale for years.

    Most balance patches are bandaids on an already broken game mode. This one offers us something different for once.

    Also, perhaps if you play and play and got good at something you could maybe do it again and be a more rounded player?

    Posts like these generally come from one trick ponies.

  5. I have a character name named after a famous person from a metal band, and its the original name. I rarely play this character. But I had this character in GW1 after a friend sold it to me. I reserved this name in GW2 to ensure I still kept it.

    I should lose it because I don't play that character often? :smirk:

    The state of many games and character names is first come first serve. You weren't here at start, you don't get the name. It isn't punishment for players starting later, and it isn't preferential for players starting earlier. It is fair though.

  6. I think time gated material / crafting really needs to go away.

    At the implementation of ascended materials it made sense that you didn't want anyone walking out of the gate fulls loaded. But its been years now, and it is really frustrating and annoying for seasoned players to have to craft a thing a day when we have acquired all of the mats ahead of time.

    I can understand if new materials are introduced with living stories, or new map currencies, that you might time gate for a period of 3 or 6 months, but after that it should just be like anything else.

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