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  1. Out of curiosity, just checked if this idiot issue was fixed. Not even after almost 3 months:)) ANET is a joke and all the goodwill they generated with me went out the window. I feel robbed of the time I invested in this game ... Shameful !
  2. @Harried Herald.6174 Nope. ANet takes their sweet time. It's just a bug blocking progress in a paid expansion. No big deal. (Uninstalled and focused on Baldurs Gate as of late - totally worth it). Good luck and hopefully you will get to finish this story soon.
  3. Ok. Yet another patch and still no fix. Got the point and guess ANet won't suffer too much if I call it quits. Good luck to the rest of you.
  4. In all honesty, if this issue (and similar blockers) doesn’t deserve a hot-fix and highest priority I don’t know what does.
  5. Yep. Really annoying. The update came. There is a "fix" for this, but does not work. Still can't progress the story. Still stuck on "Receive motivation from Kamilla". Bought another one from the AH, did the rift, still nothing. This is really aggravating.
  6. Yeah, already did that. Bought about 3 t2 rift motivations and 1 t3 from the AH (just to check the difficulty). Completed all of them. No luck. Restarted the chapter. No luck. Cleared local g2 cache (just to be sure I tried everything). Sadly, again, no luck.
  7. @YulliahMeghan.7896, thanks for the reply. At least now I know to completely lose hope of completing the SOTO expansion :) I wonder if the same logic can apply when paying for any future content 🤔 (Give me the expansion, sure, I will pay, but I don't know when yet, so keep an eye on the forums and I'll ping you). Very disappointed. By the amount of people encountering this issue, this should've been a hotfix and should've been done ASAP, because basically it's blocking paying customers. I am not a Karen in any way, but I have very limited time these days, and it really sucks that when I finally got some time to get into the game, I get stuck. Anyways. As always this game/developer is so lucky to have such an awesome community, because otherwise, I would've left long ago.
  8. OK, now I am totally pissed. Bought another motivation and still can't progress. With my already limited time, I have to indulge such amateurish bu****it. Thanks ANet. Thanks for ruining this expansion for me.
  9. Yep, same story, stuck on this stupid quest. For some reason I lost the motivation, restarted the mission, several times, bought an additional motivation from the AH, but still stuck on "Take the motivation from Kamilla". This is getting really annoying (Btw, this being the third quest I needed to restart to trigger the next steps, but in this case, it did not work). I am on the verge of getting pissed.
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