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Posts posted by Suddenflame.2601

  1. @Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    @Suddenflame.2601 said:Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

    Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

    Renting out a theater is misleading in of itself. Announcing that it was an important event is just that confirmation that Anet set a precedent and overhyped the situation. What they showed wasn't theater worthy.

    This is on par with the Sunspear Refuge disappointment.

    It was important to Anet and to the players who care about the story. And the theater being rented out was due to PAX: Fri., Aug. 30, 2019 – Mon., Sep. 2, 2019. So if you put that in mind it does makes sense. It allows the players who can't be on their computers a chance of gathering and seeing the announcement. So no the live event was just fine for what it was in this case.

    It wasn't an announcement. It was a showcase of what the players already knew. Anet splitting hairs with their word choice to feign responsibility.

    No, it was an announcement. I am not sure your definition of what announcement is but let's follow the written definition please and thank you. Just so you have the definition (a public and typically formal statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention). For some people who do not keep track of everything and play the game most of the stuff being talked about is "new" and required being announced.

    The live event is for the players at PAX who can bring their friends to see the accountment as well.

    So there is a very good logical reasoning for why it was done this way. For what you were expecting based on all available information I could find I have no clue what raised your expectations so much. It's like someone says I got exciting news and you asking if they are having a baby or moving to Tropics or something. When in reality they only had a good day at work and had news about a possible raise increase.

  2. @Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    @Suddenflame.2601 said:Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

    Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

    Renting out a theater is misleading in of itself. Announcing that it was an important event is just that confirmation that Anet set a precedent and overhyped the situation. What they showed wasn't theater worthy.

    This is on par with the Sunspear Refuge disappointment.

    It was important to Anet and to the players who care about the story. And the theater being rented out was due to PAX: Fri., Aug. 30, 2019 – Mon., Sep. 2, 2019. So if you put that in mind it does makes sense. It allows the players who can't be on their computers a chance of gathering and seeing the announcement. So no the live event was just fine for what it was in this case.

  3. @Blackarps.1974 said:

    @"Thundabolt.8541" said:I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this
    just isn't enough.
    to have new especs, or new weapons... or
    that changed the way we played the game.

    I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

    It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

    Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

    I now officially fear for the future of this game.

    Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it but this is still a letdown for a lot of people. Its more of the same and to host an event and play it up like something major is changing is very misleading. The people who love lore and story progression are going to be happy as usual. As for literally everyone else, sorry, you don't get much of anything outside of build templates for the next several months...minimum.

    Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

    Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

  4. @"Thundabolt.8541" said:I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this just isn't enough. This needed to have new especs, or new weapons... or something that changed the way we played the game.

    I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

    It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

    Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

    I now officially fear for the future of this game.

    Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

  5. @"Alyster.9470" said:I dont understand why this event was made, the whole concept is the same as Season 4 and all this hype build up and announcements were unnecessary.Elite specs were the only thing I was looking for, they bring new gameplay to each class and feels very fresh like playing a new game.Nothing was mentioned about other PVE content like Raids&Fractals or Mounts. People had questions about if raids and fractals will be continued, they do not get their answers on forum or reddit and not even on a "BIG" announcement? How are we supposed to be hyped for a 2-3 hour gameplay every 3 months? Many people have expressed their issues with the Season 4 concept, but still the direction ANet is going is the same...I think Anet had the perfect opportunity to use this announcement to remove all the negativity that was going on but It was a big disappointment for me.

    See you once in every 3 months.

    It is a LS announcement. There has never been an Elite Spec released with a LS, only expansions. If you were hoping for something more then an LS then that is on you not Anet. I will agree that a live event was a bit much for it. I got what i was expecting from it though.

  6. @MetalGirl.2370 said:

    @MetalGirl.2370 said:I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anywayThey spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...Are you saying that EVERY MMO that does this (makes previous Expansions free after the newest one releases) is spitting in their veterans' faces? GW2 is giving us something while most games (WoW, FF14, etc) don't give the "early adopters" anything.

    what is it giving us? their usual 3 month content that i do in 2 days ? and build templates after 7 years ? why wait till the game is almost dead before you do what they ask for... majority who asked for it probably dont even play anymore

    Not sure what your complaining about to be honest. I have been playing since Beta and fine with HOT being free to POF buyers. Hell if anything I was expecting this. Older content always eventually gets bundled with the newer. If they didn't do this as an industry-standard I wouldn't own as many games as I do. Hell most games actually give more stuff in the future bundles to entice new players that original day 1 player can not get till they buy the bundle pack (even if though they already have the game).

    You can do all the content in GW2? holy crap let me see if your name is the highest on the leaderboard for achievements then!

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