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Shiroi Sennin.7935

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  1. After playing so many times this meta, i think the problem is not the difficulty of the mechanics. They are easy to learn if you pay attention (In my experience, i was afraid of the wisp mechanics, but then i realized how EASY they are once you know what you have to do). The problem is how easy is for the meta to fail. (difficulty of the meta isn't the same as how easy is to be sabotaged by trolls/newbies) This is not new. These past days I did Dragonfall meta and Dragonstorm for the legendary mats drop, and there was people who didn't want to stop attacking even when map chat was flooded with insults and nice people trying to explain them why they needed to stop. In these 2 metas, the meta could fail thanks to these trolls/newbies who didn't pay attention, but there is always enough time as back up to get them done if there's actually people who can pull their own weight. In Dragon's End it's not that easy. You just need to be matched with a troll to make the wisp mechanics fail and affect the meta negatively. Sure, with these past nerf the meta is *still* doable if you fail them, but then you have this RNG on the boss's attacks and movements, and that makes a big difference between success with even 2 min+ left, or failing with 10%+ hp left. What Anet needs to do is to make the wisp have a parallel timer and so that not all players turned into wisp have to get back to their bodies. For example, if 3 go, only 2 have to get back to succeed. This way, the wisp mechanics won't depend on luck and there won't be any chance for trolls to waste everyone's time. Also, maybe adding a cooldown on the boss's movement from one side to the other, so it's impossibe to spam it making everyone lose precious time. (THIS is something that also makes the meta so hard to success, and it is purely based on luck, not skill) Oh, and I'd love to see an even harder version of this final fight if it comes as a raid/strike/fractal in a future. The problem right now is the 2 hours you need to invest every time you want to try it. Instanced content has the advantage of starting whenever you feel ready and having a previously made squad, and if you think you messed up at some point during the event, you can just reset it by writting /GG. In this open world event, you don't :')
  2. Really?... I mean, are you serious? that will only make things worse once toxic, despot commanders start kicking people just because they didn't follow zealously their instructions.
  3. Thanks! your post pointed out perfectly what i've been trying to tell everyone this whole time and even more, in an easier and better detailed way. In my honest opinion, this meta should had been split in 2 versions: one as an open world mode for the casual, less skilled players who just want to get their content done and move on, and one instanced with challenge mode for those who want harder content.
  4. Please allow me to disagree with this. This is not a raid, you can't make a squad in this map with the mindset of a raid squad expecting they're fully trained. Even if you made the squad and asked for LI and people lied to you, you can't kick them from the map.
  5. Ok, we can agree the challenge is nice and fun, What is NOT FUN, and i'm sure it's the main reason people despise this meta a lot is the fact we have to invest 2 hours again for each time we want to attempt to do it. As i've said before somewhere, ANet should have made 2 versions of this meta. One being the world event, more forgiving for less skilled players, and one instanced with different difficulties for the veterans/hardcore players. Also, a friend of mine told me that it's good as it is because it tells players they need to improve, and that if i wanted a better rewarding meta, just do DWC, Dragonfall or Silverwastes, and as i agree to a certain point with him, i'd say the same logic applies to him and your logic. You want harder content? you have fractals, wvw and raids. People doesn't have to suffer everytime a newbie/lazy dude joins the map and causes everyone who's really putting all their effort's time to go to waste.
  6. This. This meta's design apparently tried to mix instanced content and world meta events, but there's a HUGE problem aside of those already explained: Even if we "gitgud" and learn the mechanics, new/unexperienced players will always come, and there's nothing we can do to prevent them to joining our map. They DO NOT deserve the toxicity salty players will spill towards them if the meta fail, but this terrible meta desing won't prevent it from happening. It's like if raid/strike/fractals didn't allow squad forming before entering, and on top of that, there was 2 hours of pre-meta NEEDED for the real action to start.
  7. Edgy lords can shove their "just gitgud, bunch of crybabies" down their *ss. And those who say this meta's dificulty is fine, and it's just about comparing it with hard instanced content, THIS isn't just about game mechanics. We are speaking about an event that requires almost 2 hours of previous events, only for a slight mistake to make everyone's time be wasted. I have never done raids, but i was told there are mechanics you must follow so you don't make the entire party get wiped away and get the blame, same with some strike missions. But my point is that in instanced content, if you fail, you just return to the lobby and try again until either you finish it, or give up due to constant loss. In this event, if you fail, you have wasted 1-2 hours of your time, and the time of around 50 players more. Even the rewards from the pre-meta events aren't worth the time invested, if you ask me. I know i cannot ask for rewards like Drizzlewood coast, Dragonfall or Silverwastes, but for the difficulty of this meta, the rewards should be an incentive to play through it constantly, because at this rate, it will be a "content you'll attempt to do it until you finish it, then never touch it again"
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