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Posts posted by Atria.6729

  1. 52 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I said "the whole game", meaning all of GW2. I didn't think I needed to specify which parts are included in that.

    Then it's my bad, I interpretetd it wrongly as "they want some money" (and technically heroic edition counts as buying a game) in stead of "they want more/all the money".

    I was also thinking about it and tbh I don't have much experience with ftp account but do festivals work for free players? If so this feels even worse.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    On that basis I think they should add 1 more so it is possible to finish it because leaving someone stuck on 7/8 seems more like trolling them than a prompt that they can only get the first tier of rewards because they don't have the whole game.

    Actually, heroic edition is a "whole game" - base game you paid for (or later on got a key in different special events and offers). It has a bit more options than a free demo version. Content is locked in expansions, so sth extra to the base product. In this particular event owning at least 1 expansion is enough, since from what I see they spread other skrits among them. Though not sure about only SotO.

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  3. I personally dislike the activities a lot and I am sorry for whatever team gets me on a keg brawl, but I have 0 enjoyment in being tossed around and as very much not a pvp player I simply just hang around and don't really play properly (I try but yeah, result is as it is - bad). Even more so for the survival one and crab toss - walk a bit, ignore the objectve completely. I did choose PvE because I want to avoid PvP tasks...

    Definitelly agree with the proposal of adding races and adventures into the mix.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

    I agree with maker of thread. i too have problem with story it so hard they need to make easy mode for some of us casual players who only play 3 hours a day. 


    Make enemy easy they dont hit hard, for story mode

    As someone suggested earlier, easy mode is "ask guildies to help". You can also throw in an lfg asking for help or write in the map chat once outside of the instance.

  5. 1 hour ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    I was even MORE annoyed to find that hard light weapons and even reality rig mk3 could be gained without doing tribulation runs. What? Where is the skill? Arena Net plz. I am your biggest fan and so you must (I demand it) understand this all comes from a place of love: please in future require new skins to be unlocked only by finishing tribulation mode.

    Tribulation mode does have it specific skins already though, that cannot be sold on tp. Hardlight ones can and are sadly from anyoing rng containers.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

    Why would they put a tutorial heart right at the entry point of cantha. And make the zone extremely easy compared to everything that has lead up to it if its not intended to eventually be for boosted people. They give you the dodge lesson that they give you at level 5 again in seitung. There is additionally combo field training, avoiding attacks, and defiance bars. They haven't said anything. I am guessing they eventually plan to use this zone for something of that nature. 

    Probably because of how many people still don't get the basic mechanics after all this time. Drakkar and jumping over clearly telegraphed waves still proves too much. I highly doubt that an expansion zone would be a place for boosted characters. Remember that you can buy only earlier expansions or sometimes still get only the basic game.

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  7. 54 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

    🥔<-- what is that it looks rude and lewd.

    Potato I believe. They mean "casual doesn't equal to a potato".


    54 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

    I love Story mode.

    And I agree, I enjoy story enought that after doing personal story I run in-game farms to buy Living World and be able to do all the story in the correct order.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

    I took her as being extremely sarcastic. Maybe that's the kiwi culture and how a bunch of us interpret that type of talk.

    Also a good take. Or being super tired. I have trouble with sarcasm though so that may be on me.

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  9. 11 hours ago, dusanyu.4057 said:

    prime example the mission "Your Kind of people" has some terrible example of Valey-girl speak

    Speaking with Akane
    <Character name>: Akane, right? Detective Rama gave me permission to be here.
    Akane: Okay. Yeah. That's totally interesting.
    <Character name>: I'm gonna dig through your archives.
    Akane: In the back. Knock yourself out. Ooh... I'll be keeping a close eye on you.
    Akane: Remember, some of those files are super off limits to you.

    This is the character that is bored with living where she is and wants to go to the big city. A bored teenanger-young adult. Her speach was made this way on purpose, exaggerated a bit, but on purpose. For me it felt natural honetly. Like "I want to sound cool but it doesn't work out" typ of way.

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  10. 2 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

    There are many push carts around. Noodle carts. Can you make them sell something like they are supposed to? Noodles? Food? 

    Yes, I was so disapointed I couldn't get my noodles!

    Maybe entrances from harbour into the city are small to make them easier to cut off? The danger of risen is still quite real.

  11. 14 hours ago, Legend of Rogue.5394 said:

    I also love the addition of the Super Loot Boxes, Very easy to obtain and make some extra cash and after opening (random chance) 25 boxes I received 3 skins.

    Well, I am on the other hand really disapointed that it is RNG. I do it all every day and I saw 0 skins so far. I really like these skins and outside of buying tham on tp not much I can do to beat RNG... But I agree that the design is nice indeed.

  12. 12 hours ago, Evelynn.2518 said:

    1) If you reached a checkpoint it don't pop up in chat after a few seconds you instant die when the rest of the party isn't standing on those buttons at checkpoint => should be like normal mode on those checkpoints => bug or not I don't know????

    That is normal for tribulation, you all need to stand on it at the same time.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

    Regardless of what any of you think people of different ages should or should not be exposed to, the filter should handle story content the same as it handles typed player chat.

    Problem is, current filter deals with chat. During story characters also speak, there are recorded voice acting lines. That might require a different tool to deal with (2 audio options?).

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  14. 21 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    If Arenanet wants to give us swim suits, they ought to make it armour skins.

    Yes, exactly, separate armour pieces are so much better to mix and match than outfits (although some outfits are nice).


    3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    Suggestion put a makeup slot next to the head armor slot.  Make up slot can give as the word says ur char a certain makeup style (if you want to go full out, make up has dye slots) Make up/ face tattoos as usual via gemshop

    Tattoos are available in norn character creation and some human faces have pre-applied make up. Also there are head pieces that resemble face markings of different sorts (though there are not that many), for example these:









    So maybe just more head piece skins would solve the problem?

  15. 14 minutes ago, Serynna.3786 said:

    Someone is confused by what I said? Ok, I'll be blunt. Modern American speak is inappropriate for a Medieval fantasy setting. Would a 15th Century Chinese person have ever heard of the word "bio-terrorist"?  Of course not, so it should not be used. And WTF does "bougie" mean. I don't even know myself.

    The point is, there are no middle-ages in Tyrian History. It's a fantasy seting as you pointed out, they can speak cockney rhyme slang if the creators decide so. Their language developement colud have been differnet from ours. I can asure you, only a smal % of players would understand anything from real medival times speach, not modern speach dressed up to look more old-times. The fact that they have swords and monarchy (only in some places) is a one thing, on the other hand charrs have the industrial revolution era now, asura and Cantcha both mix advanced tech with magic so it's not really "clean" medival fantasy either.

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

    This very topic proves that your assumption is false. The OP cares about the name enough to want it changed. Lets assume that that happens. Now OP no longer cares about the new name because from their point of view there is no longer any problem with it. Which means the OP is an example of a person who went from caring about the old name to not caring about the new name. Then the inverse should also be true: Someone who does not care about the current name would care about the new name. In short: If caring about the name is depended on what the name is (which is the case in this thread), then you can't simply assume that nobody would care about a new one.

    I was refearing to many posts here claiming that OP should not take things so much to themselves, "it's just a name" "it's just a joke" "not everything is about you". So if "it's just a name" than changing it would not matter since "it's just a name" (possible new names mentioned in this place were both clasic like "easy mode" or "beginner mode" and more lore-based like "bookah mode" or "progeny mode" since it is asuran based). I did not make a hypothesis that after a possible change everyone will be happy and going on their merry way.

    And I never wrote "nobady". I wrote "most people here" which refeared to this particualr topic and players answers to OP's idea. Of course no course of action will ever make everyone 100% happy but I believe we know that by now.

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