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Posts posted by Arthon.5394

  1. 1 hour ago, Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:

    Speaking for myself, my own comments on the map were made before they actually added rares to the loot tables for most chests.  Before they made that change, the meta was absoultely not worthwhile with the pitiful number of keys you got.  After they added them in, it was probably a different story, but I haven't played the map since day 1.

    The map may be worth much less to run now, but it is also much less frustrating to see dozens of chests that you just can't open.


    You're not to blame, friend. Reality is the initial impression of the meta was indeed bad. There was an issue in the first day chests were not dropping rare gear. And I assume many retained that impression and moved on. But that issue was fixed and the map became profitable.

    There was an issue with keys for sure. There was some sort of cap for keys drop at around 50 per day, with each run dropping about 25-35 keys. The rest you'd have to rely on buying from the vendor, which was hardly worth it as well due to the extreme cost. The amount of chests spawning compared to the keys obtained was extremely skewed, I believe they were hoping for players to rely heavily on the vendor and in turn get red of some material excess from the economy.. But who the kitten is going to buy keys for 75 resources a piece for the loot you get? None, of course. People would buy the first 5 keys from research notes and that was it.

    There also seems to have been feedback (haven't read the thread) to make it a repeatable meta event, like Drizzlewood Coast. Of course a map with such profitability rate cannot be that repeatable and hence the nerf to the original state of the meta - the one you experienced day 1. But truth is, no player is at fault or should be responsible for their feedback. Problem is with the decision making, especially after the weak reception this patch has gotten.

    The solution should have gone by increasing the amount of keys dropped & reduce the vendor costs for extras - but maintain a cap nonetheless or have diminishing returns from the chests themselves. If someone wants to do for the rewards, you'd need a run per day; if you wanted to do it for fun, you'd be rewarded for your time, just exponentially less. 

    Currently, it's not worth to do a fully run of this map, the gold rate per hour is heavily reduced. IF you get lucky and get an ongoing map at the last stage, go for it. The chests from the final boss now don't require keys (so you don't need to participate much on other events for keys), you kill a couple of champions to use whatever keys you have and then fish for the ambergris. That is worth your time. But when considering doing a fully run, you're generally better off dedicating your time to other metas that are usually popular.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Whirlygig.9685 said:

    The above is ALL i ever got from doing this rubbish Meta, a couple unids and a jewel. I compained about it in here and literally had it ignored or told that it 'wasnt' the ancient chests only that gave 'good' loot. I have the achievement for 75 chests open (i only only opened ancient ones) and i have not had any luxon chests, not one, or exotics or anything - so what are the chances of that? and now im told that the chests have been nerfed further?


    I'm not sure, Whirl. When did you try exactly? Because when the patch was released they were not giving rare gear. It took a fix to change the loot aspect. Things like Luxon Chests and Chair or whatnot might depend on magic find, not certain. Luxon chests don't drop commonly, but often enough. From my experience 1-2 every two cycles in average.

  3. I have to say after this changes "based on player feedback", it's not worth to do the meta at all.


    Keycard pricing had to be reduced, but... Who the kitten complained about a 50 key cap? Would allow you to do meta a couple of times a day if you wished and buy keys for the remaining chests.


    Now you're spending your time in this worthless abyss hole for 3-7 unidentified rare gear (if you're lucky) because rewards were so heavily reduced that you spend your time doing this meta over and over while others do meta trains far more profitable, and thinking "what the hell happened to my life".

    Even the Ancient chests - the now final meta chests - give the same rewards as mining chests, which is 1 or 2 unidentified uncommon gear and - make sure to get your extra magic find breather so you fully benefit from what's coming! - 1 or 2 gems.


    Arenanet, your ability to kill your own fresh content is astounding.

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  4. While I appreciate the post, this doesn't solve the issues the balance patch will create.

    And it's fair if you want to address balance step by step until we get to a very good state across professions, but the reality is that you have a couple of specs that are too good for the game right now - Engineer, Necromancer and Guardian. No matter which changes you make with the intent of having an effect in your "balance philosophy" 6 months from now on, the result will be the same: why should I bother with X class when there's 3 specs that pretty much cover the same role/function in a much easier and more effective way?

    Looking at the changes announced Friday, many don't make kittening sense, just look at warrior's. But the irony of this patch, that supposedly you're making to open way to more class diversity and accessibility, will cause the opposite effect: the usual suspects will have their position strengthened and the rest will see less play because changes made them worse.

    For me personally, this just puts me in a position where I won't even bother with group content, as I know I'll be declined. 

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  5. When you said you were going to do balance passes more often I got excited the game would be getting some needed attention.


    But I never expected that you'd be intentionally releasing gamebreaking patches so you could then have something to address in the next months.


    What the hell is that warrior section?

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  6. Having done a second story playthrough I tend to agree with some of the points mentioned.

    Regarding the ending scene with Marjory/Kasmeer. I understand some might feel it cringy; I personally liked it and felt it was fitting. These were two characters that accompanied us through our journey over the years. We've seen highs and lows, moments of doubt and sorrow and how that also caused some issues in their relationship. That moment for me was not about their marriage but more of maturity and closure - for them and for the player. Even for our character, who has gone through a long journey about the elder dragon threats. A simple moment of respite was welcomed to have a little chat with NPCs we've played with, see how they're doing, have a moment to relax and do something non urgent as we got used to. Even the "I'm late because I wasn't in a rush" is a sign of that, it wasn't just a silly scene with a toast ot victory. It allowed us to savour that moment at a slow pace, to settle in that was over. That just like us, they were coming to the end of their journey. For me it just makes sense, it's more about symbolism. That's my opinion, and to be honest I wouldn't want it any other way, was very happy with it and for them.

    Having said that...

    Ministry of Purity was a major letdown. The whole "these 'ugh foreigners' bigots, amirite?". This is purely how it was presented. This wasn't storytelling at all, and the dog comment in the end made it feel a bit... preachy. The interpretation I took was something in the lines of "don't be fooled, might appear to be a regular person, but a bigot and therefore bad, very bad", might be wrong. But nevertheless that felt extremely simplistic and very unfitting for a story where we've been making hard choices, sometimes feeling like there's no truly positive outcome and sacrifices are made. Or characters that behaved in poor ways due to certain circumstances (Braham) and we try to be understanding and take it as a shortcoming in a difficult moment, not judgmental. I don't remember either - my memory fades here - the game being so judgmental with Caithe having a relationship with Faolian, one that pretty much called centaurs "animals", faked an attack and Caithe ends up killing them all for her. As far as I know they remained in a relationship after that event.

    As someone who isn't versed in Cantha lore or events, I wanted to understand. Having been closed off for centuries, it's natural some would offer resistance to our presence, that's human nature, that's resistance to change. But it's clearly more than that, especially considering that there has been a past and reasons to be closed off (that I'm not aware of). I wanted to know more of that past or to be approached in the story in some more detailed way, where their motivations were contextualized. Not a "Beat up the bigot" objective. And I'm afraid this is a not a situation where "the story reflects our inclusiveness in the team" is a good argument.

    A good story has villains, good villains have motivations or background. The game shouldn't be simply  telling us they're bad, but showing us why they are bad. A great story let us get to that conclusion on our own. Look what you did with Mai Trin: She was involved - maybe with too many apologies, I'd have liked to see a bit more of something else - and in the very end you make us truly think about her actions, recent or past ones, and give us an interaction with Ellen Kiel. Kiel's position doesn't change, naturally. But ours might. It was a nice little gesture that for me gave great agency to players and food for thought.

    Yao I don't have much of an opinion, other than frustrating me because of bugging out and compromising the whole meta a couple of times. Though I've seen - in the very same circumstances, crazy-  a couple of "tolerant" players being extremely abusive to others because they used the wrong pronoun. A character that it's there with not much personality or contribution to the story emotionally (nothing wrong with that, not all NPCs have to be involving or provide high immersion), guess I can see a bit why the gender issue feels more prominent in a character with such low impact, but wouldn't say a single line is enough to represent that effect. Unnatural, perhaps. *shrugs*

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  7. 3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Sorry this is happening, all. I looked into this and we are working on a fix. I know it's frustrating, but we're on it! 


    A small note on this, Rubi (if it helps): These kind of puzzles seem to be bugged across zones generally, in a way or another.


    I've seen your reply about the Echovald one, haven't gone into those yet.


    Some of the Seitung Province ones are broken as reported in a thread, in the sense that they simply missing.


    I've been going through New Kaineng City and these were not solid as well - but differently. I was able to complete the achievement, however: most cases the box to get picked up do not show up, you have to wander around until you get the prompt to interact; a couple of them I had to jump maps in order to get them to spawn.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Shadamehr.1284 said:

    Still not fixed with today's patch and still not on the known issues list

    And dang, was hoping the hint in today's patch notes to go and pat the new cats at Cat Island might be related or involved with making the chest appear...


    Haha, same!

    Only checked the cat island one and nothing, don't think it was addressed at all.


    10 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

    "Likes to hide in garden landscaping" is also bugged for me. I receive one stack of the buff upon interaction with the first bush, no second buff upon interaction with the second, and removal of the buff entirely upon interaction with the third.


    #12 is the only one that seems salvageable. Considering the inconsistency and the fact that it's tied to an interactable object (2nd bush) instead of the chest/spot itself, try to jump maps. Maybe you'll get lucky.

  9. On 3/11/2022 at 5:24 PM, Lottie.5370 said:

    For Spiritual Childcare it seems 5 locations are now bugged, I guess I was lucky to get most of them.

    Full list:
    Plays with Drakes.

    Watches Aetherblades near the monastery.
    Plays amidst the monastery's landscaping.
    Admires the landscaping of Seitung Harbor.
    Adores cats.


    A thread dedicated to Spiritual Childcare achievement (happens to be yours, I noticed) already exists, so I've posted the list of bugs directly there, not here. The best way to keep those bugs tracked as there can be further updates from other players.


  10. On 3/6/2022 at 7:39 AM, godsie.2864 said:

    Watching Aetherblades at monastery is bugged can do the checkpoints and opened chest but did not update on my achievement list.

     The chest you've done corresponds to "#36 Runs along the walls of the monastery."


    But your list of bugged ones seems to be correct. As of today the following are bugged or missing:


    #12 Likes to hide in a garden landscaping - middle bush is interactable but doesn't seem to be active (doesn't give you buff when done in the proper order or the "stump" sound/animation if in the wrong order)

    #22 Watches Aetherbaldes near the monastery

    #23 Enjoys the view of a fishing hamlet and the bay

    #24 Plays with drakes

    #25 Plays amidst the monastery's landscaping

    #26 Admires the landscaping of Seitung Harbor

    #28 Adores cats

    #29 Prefers the snow

    #30 Admires tengu hunters

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  11. Did the meta after the changes and addressing the tail seems to have solved the major issue. Was quite the gain compared to my last successful group, granted it was still by an organized one.

    I would assume these changes took some of the challenge for truly organized raiding-oriented groups, but it's still generally there. Less tails also mean less Exposed phases.


    The real question is if this meta became accessible enough. But those desperate for the turtle have now an alternative. I still think metas should be fun and present a degree of difficulty, should not be an AFK fest. At the same time, it's an open world event and doesn't feel right to have it somehow restricted.


    I guess we'll see the results onward. 

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  12. 15 minutes ago, Taelac.7036 said:

    If this is the event I'm thinking of, this may be an ambiguity problem rather than a bug.  That event gives a skill option to throw a fish picked up from the crate, and I think it's meant to set up a chain of people to throw the fish to each other (and then catch them--where the ambiguity comes in), like happens at the Pike Place fish market in Seattle:

    I was writing you a reply when thinking further, it hit me.

    I thought he meant with "catch fish" as in start fishing and deliver him the fish reeled. My mistake!

    Thank you for the observation, friend. One would say... Nice catch!



    I'll edit that report.

    • Haha 1
  13. I've been turning my focus consistently into this zone, here's an updated (and probably final) bug report.



    1) Defend and repair the Haiju Cove water purifiers

    - Event doesn't spawn. Sometimes you can see the animation of two purifiers malfunctioning and release pools of oil/black goo, the hologram then appears - but nothing happens afterwards. FIXED


    2) Help Sang-Chaeol tend the garden

    - Pesticides trigger seem to be fixed. Once interacted with the tool shows up.

    - I've mentioned in my last report that some objects don't reset properly after completion of the associated events (like eggs in the Fish Hatchery event or toys for children in Seitung Harbor) and can be considered to be minor. However, the effect of this bug is mainly displayed in this event, because it can prevent its completion. Everything can be affected by this bug: dry soil, weeds and hanging fruit. For some reason, if these aren't picked or sorted they won't disappear after the event is completed. Instead, they will be unavailable in the next round, needing another reset for the objects to return to normality. Here's a small screenshot showing an example of this after the event was completed.: https://imgur.com/arH7Hz8


    Spiritual Childcare Achievement

    There is already a thread about this subject, update/confirmation there instead


    Miscellaneous: Underwater chests perform two casts to be opened

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Desh.7028 said:


    All of the meta events were designed like that. They tie into the story that takes place on the map when you're doing the story (ofc for every playthrough only when they happen exactly when you're there).

    They are indeed, which is a nice way to convey some extra storytelling. If we look in the past this is not exclusive, though they mostly serve to complement the zone or reinforce its ambience/problematic, etc (aside the meta maps). 

    This expansion feels heavier on story - not only the one you're experiencing but does best in connecting what we have known of Cantha from GW1). And with that in mind, comparatively not only End of Dragons meta serves the story expansion but also falls on the end on an era. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

    " I'm really dumbfounded that people who lived through this adventure and have a keen interest in Elder Dragons for this long, are not going to experience several key dialogues that only happen after the meta has succeeded - several times."

    Oh wow. This is the first time that I'm reading this. I realize that a lot of players aren't at all interested in the story, but the story, the lore plays a big part of any game for me & to date, I've really enjoyed GW2's story. 

    I never considered that I might lose out on some significant parts of it, because of something as trivial as the acquisition of a turtle that I'd probably never use. 


    The whole idea of the meta is to even do it before finishing the final step of the story to complement it.

    I'm sure eventually will be on youtube, but I dare to say you'll agree with me saying that it's not the best way to experience the story. 

    That's why for me shifting the turtle acquisition elsewhere and leave the meta as it is isn't a great option. And the meta just needs small - but crucial - adjustments, don't think anyone is defending a "nerf to the point of being possible to AFK and complete it". It's an epic fight and would be nice to keep that feeling.


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