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Posts posted by omnomgames.5134

  1. 4 hours ago, Gregg.3970 said:

    Oh mate that sucks, how many hours has that taken?  Don't give up though sure you keep trying enough you'll nail it soon, laws of probability and all, gl 

    Well the first 12 attempts took 2 hours each, so 24 hours total. The last two attempts I've just dropped into a squad near the end of the pre-pre events and just did the pre-events and final boss. (Since the contribution buffs don't go away while you're logged out on map.) So like 40 minutes each for those. 

    I've done this event in super organized squads, with voice chat and experienced commanders, with sub-squads and buffs divided up. I personally get better at the whisp stage every time. I cc my fingers off and keep my rotations going constantly. I have the mechs so down at this point that when she spawns her tail right before swapping, I know to stay. I even upgraded a couple pieces of armor to ascended, even though I've never felt I needed that for overland content before. (Ascended weapons and accessories should be more than enough. Though it's worth mentioning I can't get my virtuoso dagger w/o doing this event, so I have to craft one if I want to do the event with all ascended? Dumb.) 

    The problem is that personal skill doesn't matter with something like this. The group is different every time and groups are getting harder and harder to find because people are getting fed up. Sometimes I check lfg and there's nothing at all on Dragon's End. First few days there were ALWAYS groups.

    • Like 3
  2. Three attempts today. Eleven total. 


    #10 and #11 both failed around 3 or 4%. I'm done. I'm so done. 


    I recently came back to the game after a long absence with a new computer and better internet and was really enjoying playing without lag for the first time ever. Achievements that used to be out of reach are now doable. And then...this. 


    Not sure if I'll just start working on fishing collections or play another game entirely, but I can't see myself coming back to this meta until it's adjusted. 

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  3. I get wanting to have an epic conclusion to a decade-long story, but for me, that was the final story mission! All the dragons, all their musical themes, most of our NPC allies, really BEING the champion of Aurene. It was epic and beautifully done. I cried like a baby and it was 10/10 would weep again.

    This event just aint it. It's got potential, but after like 8 failures, I'm annoyed and developing a serious neck cramp. A 2 hour time investment just to fail because the tail spawns too much or she moves immediately after you break her CC bar....BLAH. 

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