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Posts posted by VacationDonkey.1748

  1. On 1/25/2024 at 9:18 AM, WindsOfRebellion.3457 said:

    Oh dang, didn't realize this was a long standing bug. I took out 3 T3 rifts in Straits the other day and not one gave me progress. I really hope they fix this at SOME point but the fact that this is a long standing issue doesn't give me hope.

    Neither did I. I just wasted several T3 Motivations on it. 🙄

  2. On 8/23/2023 at 11:16 AM, Urud.4925 said:

    So if I crafted the legendary weapons but I sold them all, I must keep these 20 achievements forever at 3/4 now? Why?

    The achiev says craft it, not equip it. Please fix this, it's disturbing.

    I actually just crafted Meteorlogicus, equipped it, and it did not update. I'm definitely not going to reskin it for credit, as that defeats the purpose of making this weapon imo. Hopefully a fix is upcoming.


    Edited to include: It looks like the parts of the collection that are not completing are things I already had in my bank inventory (Gift of Battle, Gift of Exploration, etc.) but they were in stacks of two or more. Moving the items into my inventory and separating the stacks gave me credit. The only item this is not working with is ectoplasm. I can't get that one to trigger.



  3. On 6/9/2023 at 3:56 PM, Caitmonster.9036 said:

    I admit I do not enjoy the apparent homogenizing of the classes if it removes what was unique about them in the first place. 😕



    Spot on.

    • Like 5
  4. It is possible to trap yourself in this room with no available exit making it necessary to restart the mission. Using my jade bot I removed the core from the outside of the door, as I was trying to power the computer in order to proceed. I then deactivated the jade bot which left me stuck behind a locked door with an unpowered computer and no way out.

    There needs to be some sort of fail safe, as spending 30 minutes to an hour figuring out a puzzle only to be locked in a room is as bad as getting trapped under a map. Please consider adding a power core receptacle on the inside of this door.


    Image: https://ibb.co/3NCV6wn

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