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  1. I give you that. My original post was hyperbolic in that regard. But i stand by the fact that it just felt awful. You have to carefully set up certain conditions to be able to keep up with other classes even slightly, something that is just not possible in pugs or even in premade groups without voice.
  2. Power creep is a thing, yes. But the fractal System was also different. Ofc it took longer, since you had to do 4 fractals in a row. i'm all for just clearing the content, as i usually enter T4s with a healmech and heal my friends who all do sup 10k dps, but it's still a thing that something gets frowned upon if it's not meta. Also it just doesn't feel good if everything just falls over and you've done 8k dps Bc you didn't have a chance to ramp up your damage yet. It's a nice thing having the OPTION to say "no i wanna do the burst", and then you actually CAN. Mesmer should get an option for PvP, i agree with that. It blows my mind that they ruined Mirage for it as they did, but it doesn't mean Virtuoso is bad for the class or game in general. And it does not matter how negative you are about it, Anet won't hear you, you'll just impact other players days.
  3. If Virtuoso got removed from the game it would remove the only viable mesmer game from the Fractal meta. Discretize did not feature a single Mesmer build for the last couple of months. The last one being Power Chrono, already described as being bad, being removed a long while ago.
  4. Again with the BS. If you think these comps skip mechanics then join a W1 training raid, as i'm sure as a PvP/WvW player you'll have NO problems doing it.. lol. You'll wake up. But i do for once agree with you. PvE players have nothing to complain about. But now i know where your bitternis comes from. It#s okay to feel like your preferred way of playing as been abandoned by Anet, just don't let it out on other players. I have been playing mesmer back in Core all the way through to now. I've been playing mesmer when the only merit to bring it was bringing the reflect dome because the reflected damage would scale off of the enemies power, so you'd bring assassins gear and make it crit hugely. I've been playing mesmer when the damage rotation of it was to dump 3 Pistol phantasms into one spot and then auto attacking on sword, occasionally using 2. I sat through chrono jail. So, i'm not "chiming in on things i don't understand". You, sir, just have a very narrow vision of the game.
  5. You're the one spouting constant misinformation. As someone who actively raids, i can say it DID change the meta. The meta is boons, not classes, never was classes in anything BUT the top 1% statics that pushed for PB times in raids. OFC people stick to their kitted out mains for now, but if you actually WOULD play raids and fractals on a semi high level, you'd know that 2 Healmechas are the goto rn over druid and HFB, that people bring Specters as much as they bring Alacrens and that qFBs are interchangeable with qHarbis. DMG on the new speccs is good too so they can come and voilá, you have a slight meta shift, even if it just means options. And the people that actually uproar over the PvE content are just as toxic as you.
  6. You're just absoltuely wrong lol. When Fractals were released, chrono wasn't a thing. Fractals were released LONG before HoT. Stop twisting the facts so that your statements are right. i sure make more sense than someone who just makes stuff up. And Fractals coexisted with dungeons for along time, for 2 very different purposes. Don't pretend like you're a vet when you're very much not.
  7. Oh you're really hurt there, sorry. I mentioned Fractals because the original reason why upfront damage ever was mentioned WAS in th context of fractal viability. Dungeons were NOT dead, as alot of people used them for gold farming (not just RF p1) and no. From the get go, Open world and Dynamic events were one big marketing point.
  8. okay that makes alot of sense. I get it. i still think it deserves a place in the game, but i can see why mesmer mains are at odds with the spec. I know you're talking out of your kitten here, idk where you're coming from. GW1 was based off of PvP, GW2 was introduced with PvE in mind. As a beta and Headstart player myself, i can remember how much more they talked about open world events than the pvp mode. Dungeons also were a thing right of the start so idk where you have that info. Chrono and Mirage are just not good up front DPS specs, it's very clear on their non existant in the fractal meta. If you think that a Mirage or Chrono can keep up with classes like soulbeast or Firebrand in T4 meta groups where trash groups get blown over in an instant and Bosses get phased insanely fast (excluding sunqua), then i wanna see where you get that data too.
  9. Reading through this forum i get the notion that somewhat everybody hates Virtuoso for being a nerf to the existing specs, but honestly .. I don't see it. Mesmer did not need another Support or Raid DPS build. What it needed was an easy access to upfront burst AoE DPS, and it is what the class got. Mesmer sucked in Fractals (and Dungeons for that matter) ever since FB got access to quickness, the Damage had far too much ramp up and was too unreliable for anything but pugs, and why do you take a Chrono if you can just take a Firebrand who does more Damage AND has more utility. Now we got a spec that is actually playable in any meaningful form outside of long single target fights. So do tell me, why is everybody hating on it?
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