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Iceman.4509's Achievements

  1. So, commanding my double squad of 50 on ebg last night and something curious happened. I just recently bought a jeep and suddenly everyone in my squad played significantly better. No one died. I was wondering if everyone was in awe on my stream with my new pit vipers and beautiful handlebar mustache playing gw2 in my jeep that somehow elevated, and I mean I emphasize the word elevated their gameplay. Just a thought.
  2. If you join my union we will all eat well
  3. Anyone interested in joining the international association of support players? We currently have 19 separate locals spread across multiple servers.
  4. You may become part of our international
  5. Unions are supposed to run like socialism so it does work.
  6. If anything we should be able to freely transfer whenever
  7. Good Job keep up the good work. We don’t need any scabs running around.
  8. You say that now but without support gamemode is unplayable
  9. Yes I play solely for the gratification of rewards
  10. Yes but the firebrand who is better will naturally find more employment opposed to the other. The other will still get some work but will not get the top tier jobs.
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