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Posts posted by gonzi.7605

  1. For me its no. Why? Its simple - they want to create more trade offs, thats for example why they give core rev F2 skill. You gain something, but you also lose something. You love the weapon while e-spec not so much? Sorry, take it or leave it. What if they give you ability to equip and use any weapon? Next would be something like "hey, since we can use shield as mirage then why we cant use skills from chrono on mirage?". And with that we degrade e-spec to another core spec :P

  2. Who are you to talk about "managment decisions". Do you lead milion-worth company? Do you lead ANY company at this point? Probably no, so why you talk about building nuclear weapon? Sorry, it would be probably easier.

    GW 3 would be BIGGEST mistake EVER, period. Imagine WoW having gw2 systems about equality, adding new content and keeping everything "worth". Imagine how many zones you would have, how many activities and dungeons. And you would just throw it all away when people still playing it? It doesnt make even the slightest sense. Especially when game still looks nice, still is of the newest on market, still got many mechanics that no one else have (for example dynamic events - its the only game that got such feeling of "living" world).

    They also said a long time ago that there will be another LWS season before update, so why you are so shocked now? Its not like they keep you in darkness for few month after end of the season. As far as we know there will be 2-3 years between each expansion with 2 LWS seasons. Yes, i know that HoT got only one, but they said they learn from it that they should release first season earlier and then second one to keep players with updates all the time (everyone who was playing around HoT know what im talking about - we dont get any content for literally whole year, and many of us just stopped playing). If that doesnt sound "fair" to you then i dont know what would.

    Heh, they try to keep players informed as best as possible, announce everything few months earlier... and there still will be someone too lazy to google it in 2 minutes. I can almost understand devs who ignore community as its just waste of their time. I really admire ANet for keeping us informed, even with assholes around. No offense, i just reflect back your attitude.

  3. I did a lot of dungeon runs starting it even solo. Somehow i always get full party in no time. The thing is the same as with fractals in certain hours - most people seems to just check "okay, there is group, great" or "oh no... nobody doing it, lets do something else".

    So my advice : just create party on your own with simple describe what you expect/want. Trust me, its not hard finding party, even for dungeons with watching every single cut-scene. Standard ones are "all welcome", "watching videos", or even "first time, new/veteran players welcome". People know what to expect from you/your group and you know what to expect from people.

    And its not like you are in spotlights, nobody cares, game included who are party leader. You cant even kick people on your own, you have to vote. And same for players - if there are only new players... congratz, you will have true "first time" experience. If there is someone who know way - he will lead, dont worry.

  4. If they ever give instant summon for minions then they have to make all similar skills instant - for example mantras, and THAT in case of guardian would be WAAAY too much, dont you think? Its same skill category : you have to cast before fight to get benefits in fight, same guardian with mantras. And bcs of this i doubt there will ever be instant-cast for these skills

    Ekhm... let me put it in different words - i get that it can pain in arse when in each fractal/dungeon you have to recast them again and again. But lets imagine how we can abuse such system - minion died in the middle of fight? No problem, instant summon in EVERY case. Guardian used all mantras stack? No problem - recast them after cd. With cast-time you have to get safe position in fight, it lowers your dps/support capabilities etc. Without that every single build would base on this things

  5. For me - at this point i dont see reason to make GW 3. Let me explain. Gw2 was created around one thing - open as many doors as its possible without closing any of these doors. We can see this in core mechanics like elite specs, expansions, new maps, gear... its all about making another choice/option for player without any limits like "sorry, you have to bought HoT first, then PoF, other way you wont have enought power to kill things in PoF". And it also work in opposite way - even after 10 expansions and whole eq as legendaries... we still will have possibility to come back to Tarir and have great fun with pretty decent loot.

    You see where it going? Even right now we have a lot of things to do, imagine when this game will have like 5 expansions. Thats where WoW failed - Blizzard with every expansion destroy their whole work from before. Lets be honest - Burning Crusade was great expansion... but now we either have no reason to do it, nor fun (one-shot boss with 1 aa as mage, yay), few people do it only for phoenix mount as chore and forget after that.

    Gw2 still look pretty, story is better than ever, people still playing, the game is one of the best in genre (we can argue if its number 1, 2 or 3 - but we all agree that its in top 5 at least along with wow, ff, eso, and i dont know... maybe bdo). So why dont make it last longer? Especially when we got advantage of adding things to do (or new playstyle and mechanics like gliders, mounts) while still EVERYTHING is viable. If you want you can go to Orr doing old, good temples and have a lot of fun without wasting your time (sure, people might say "but in this time you could go farm RIBA/Istan", but while its not the best thing to do we still got SOMETHING valuable from it, same as we would go doing random event from newest map).

    So for me - make it last. At least until the whole genre will get into "next-gen". For now genre have to caught up Gw2 - there is no other game that make such a feeling of living world :)

  6. There is no such thing as "perfect balance" you mention. Ele even today can bring almost highest dps in the game - highest on large targets/AoE, second highest to small/single target right after deadeye with rifle. Ele also got a lot of survival skills on demand while other classes dont. Thats my opinion and also a lot of people - you can see that on every benchmark.

    And you tell me ele is in wrong place? So please tell me what you expect. As far as i can see its pretty good right now. Do i want ele buffed? Nope. Already there is too many ele around who cant do anything useful and just put the blame on class and balance. Ele is one of the hardest classes to master - not without the reason. If already i got highest dmg in almost every raid on weaver and im pretty good on pvp (even few times i fought with 3 enemies at once... i survived, kill them and all that time i stayed on point) then with buffs the class gonna be too OP.

    That's the main point : few people are lazy (and dont use full potential of class bcs it req too much effort. Yup, sometimes i got the same, for example on meta-events) or simply just "dont feel" this ele, while other few people know every single spell and also can plan few moves forward - so they always got spells they want for every situation and deal tons of damage while still are untouchable. Try balance that. To buff ele they must first take something, maybe increase cd between attunements? Or otherway ele will be Monster of the game, capable to do everything - tank bosses while healing yourself and others, and also deal top dps? You really wanna that?

  7. @bashi - you got lack of perspective. If everyone will be "OP" then... nobody will be "OP". Sure, thief might be as you said.. but so we can speak about guardian with D/D who gonna jump at you with radial blink killing you before you know what hit you. And where this "op" thief goes? Yea, so i thought :pensive:

  8. The problem with story is simple. Every player get their own "skill level". For 50 players story may by too hard, but for 100 another it gonna be way too easy. For me they got it pretty nice.

    I never was a kind of hardcore player in gw2. Also i NEVER look or even check meta battle build or another piece of.... just bcs of fact that i get my own brain and i can create something on my own. All you have to do is to understand the very basic of combat - conditions, boons, cc, how to deal dmg and how to survive (heals, evades, blocks, anything). Nothing more. I go through all stories on many classes, and there was the only 1 thing i have to start from beginning. End of HoT story, when one of the bosses knock you up in air... that high that you go outside of the map and get kick from story. If we exclude this one, then i never have to start the same fight twice.

    And its nothing compared even to T3 fractals, dont mention about T4 or raids. I know there might be people that want it easier.. but then the question is : are you sure you pick the right class for you? Or maybe give a try to something that you dont even think about? Idk, maybe its time for new (for you) weapon? Maybe its time to make armor with one stat set + same runes? there is a lot of things to change. If you cant make it bcs of lack survivability then maybe change 1 specialization into something for healing/tanking? It helps a lot when playing solo where you have to deal dmg, heal and tank by yourself, and also cost you nothing but time and a little of thinking :)

    And sure, i bet someone might not be able to kill boss at first. But im not gonna belive that someone try boss few times and still cant adapt. If we will follow this then boss would be just like training golem. Bcs even without aa and with one small AoE it might be too hard. And yes, i know you play just for story/fun. But when you play single player games like gothic you will blame it for being hard just bcs you deny buying better items from merchant or drop it? If you do so, then sorry but blame is on you, not on game. For the same i can blame Call of Duty bcs i cant sneak and avoid the fight and game is too hard for me to play like that.

    People please, play the game the way it was meant to be played. And im just talking about using basic systems in game like runes, food/potions, boosters (you get them A LOT from daily rewards)... If you will use all of these and you will be able to tell general idea of your build (not like "i choose these bcs first is up, second middle and third down, and it look so amazing"), then i can assure you will be able to do all content without raids and T4 fractals with ease. It dont even have to be "meta" build, as i mention above - i hate even the general idea of "meta" bcs of it most players dont have to think on themself

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