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Posts posted by Xeraan.8519

  1. Its probably never getting fixed unfortunately.  ArenaNet just does not care because it affects a small % of users.  For me it was always in an instance just before a cutscene needed to load and I could reproduce that issue probably 85% of the time, which gets old real quick having to replay stuff over and over again.   ArenaNet support just wants to pass the issue off onto my ISP and isn't interested in having a developer investigate the issue.  If the issue was they couldn't reliably reproduce the issue I figured they'd be interested to see why I could reproduce it on demand but they just don't care.  I just moved on to one of a dozen or so other MMO's that I've played over the past 10 years for hundreds of hours with no disconnect issues.

    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, steelsox.8645 said:

    I've only been playing gw2 just over two months, noticed this multiple times during 1-80 story quests right at the end of the missions, i figured this could be my connection as was wifi at the time. although no disconnects any other time. I'm now wired with a solid 200+mb connection, have tried all of the troubleshooting fixes multiple times and still have these issues.


    Have had it happen twice today already, one was absolutely baffling. Started HOT on my 3rd char, no issues with my previous 2 playthroughs, finished the 1st part of the 1st chapter. 2nd and 3rd quests (up to where you meet your first native allies in the tangled depths) and dc'd...was flung BACK TO SILVERWASTES! I actually lost 3 quests worth of progress, still had the rewards in my bag from the completions too. I've left that char sat in silverwastes.


    Went back to my main after having dc issues in living world series 4 and levelling the above mentioned alt, finished lw4, (after clearing cache/troubleshooting cause of the above) do the first story mission for EOD, cutscene comes up...bam, disconnect.


    This game is a marvel, I've enjoyed my time in it, shame I didn't get to finish the story but I really cant stomach anymore of this absolute b******t disconnects when I have limited playtime outside of my family and full time job. My times worth more than this.

    I feel exactly the same way unfortunately.  I decided to waste my time with a support ticket.  They had me run a network test over about half an hour.  Results showed an average of 10-23ms latency along with 0-1% packet loss.  This is apparently really high latency according to their highly competent support team and automatically makes it my ISP's issue despite the fact that this only occurs during story instances right before a cutscene plays.  They have absolutely no interest in actually diagnosing or fixing the problem.

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