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Posts posted by VVhiteTheEntity.9273

  1. Where is this low FPS and what are you playing ?

    Newer DLC maps are more detailed, causes to lower the FPS.
    And if you doing some World Bosses or doing some WvW content with hordes of players lowers the FPS aswell.

    By the way, adding more RAM is one of the cheapest components you can upgrade on your hardware. Everything like another GPU or CPU is much more expensive 🙈

    My PC isn't that good, so I disabled reflexion and reduced shadows in the graphic settings and reduce the visible player limit.

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  2. Hello everyone.

    We need to talk about a very serious problem with stalkers. 

    There is a person I made some bad experience with, so I blocked them. But the person still try to join my group, spams self-invites over and over again after I canceled the requests. And the person lurks in Lion’s Arch looking for us to follow, to jump in front of me or my guild mate etc., and forces me to teleport away to a different spot.

    Seriously this is a mental nightmare!

    The blocking mechanic in GW2 isn't very good these days. I can't see the blocked player’s messages but they can see my messages. So they can check if I'm on a certain map. The blocked player shouldn't see my messages aswell. And there are some other suggestions to improve the blocking mechanic:
    · Give the players the possibility about private groups/parties.
    · Blocked players shouldn't be able to invite themselves. 
    · 'Remove' blocked players from our game – please make them invisible for us and vice versa!

    Here’s a link to a post with more suggestions from a different thread about a similar topic:

    I read some threads in this forum and threads in Reddit aswell – this is still a serious problem and the forum threads exist for 4 years by now. Please, this really has to be reworked.

    Links of other forum posts are here:

    Reddit link:

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  3. Hello all together 👋

    I like playing Chronomancer. These days it's a bit sad that its Alacrity was poorly weakened and completely removed from the Wells / Major Traits.
    But apart from that I wondered if there's a viable Condi Chrono alternative. I play a kinda Condi Chrono Shatterer with Illusions/Chaos + Scepter/Shield ; Scepter/Sword and it's literally more powerful than Axe/Torch-Mirage for some reason (or me just a bad Mirage Player).

    But I'm missing at least one Condition on a Well (like Specter has) – without Alacrity I don't really understand the roles of the different Wells (like the different Wells of Specter); maybe like Stun, Support, Defense, Power Damage or just Heal at the moment? So, a more Condition orientated Well e.g. with Confusion could fit, in my opinion.

    Plus – without the Alacrity Support role the Chronomancer became a more offensive Spec (like most other Specs these days), so why not add a viable Condition (+ Heal) alternative also ?

    Would be great to have in future, what do you think?
    Let me know about your opinion 😌



    Edit: One more thing I forgot to mention – The Shatter ability also grants alacrity still, so it's a Condition offensive + Alacrity Support Shatterer.
    So what about the role of the Wells ?

  4. 9 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Photon Forge is not a weapon swap, so it shouldn't work with Relic of the Warrior.

    It does count as weapon swap. I tested with sigils. But maybe the Activating/Deactivating doesn't trigger like Attunements. But there is no entry in the wiki page of the warrior's relic yet.

    (And yes, I tested Warrior weapon swapping aswell. 2.5'' instead of 1.25'', that's crazy strong.)

  5. Hey all there 👋

    I need a suggestion to a mostly PvE Open World Condition Harbinger build. I know the effect is decent but what is the point of taking the trait 'Vile Vials' or 'Septic Corruption' ?
    One stack of vulnerability is as effective as 4 stacks blight (2 stacks before update) but you can only have 25 stacks of blight maximum plus you consume blight.
    Vulnerability is a more hybrid Condition but doesn't lasts that long.

    Can someone explain the advantages of 'Vile Vials' or rather 'Septic Corruption' ? 

    Thank you all 😄

  6. Greetings,

    the whole sound ingame and and of my operating system have massive interruptions every few seconds as long as the the ingame shop menu and the wizard's vault menu are opened.
    These interruptions disappeared after closing the menus.

    I noticed this issue since SOTO has been released. Never got an issue like this before.

    I already reinstalled GW2 and uninstalled Realtek Drivers. No change.


  7. 16 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    Oh that's not confusing to players at all. 🙄

    Yep, the triat text of [Renewed Justice] do not clarify how it works exactly on FB. I use [Quickfire] as well and it feels like one whole trait is useless 😕

    16 hours ago, Sonork.2916 said:

    Regarding the new FB tome page recharge timer, the pages don't recharge while you're mounted... and it's intended to be like that... a kind of punishment I suppose?

    Mounted in PvE also (like the heat of Holoshmith while mounted).
    Is this intended? I don't know.
    Is this  a punishment? It feels like 🙁

    • Like 1
  8. Hello.

    I tried the firebrands new tomes and it seems they are horribly bugged. Sometimes the layout suddenly switched to the core Guardian (but with firebrand tomes icons) that you can't see how many pages you have.

    After that happend it seems you only have two pages, no matter how many pages you had before.

    Additionally, you will only have a maximum of two pages or in worst case you will lose all pages and  no page will ever refresh.

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  9. Hello there.

    I'm using the specter (yeah, I seriously do) and from time to time, all my shadow force suddenly vanishes - no matter how much I have it goes down to zero.
    I do not enter the shroud, so the trait [Consume Shadows] won't be triggered.

    I don't get the reason why this happens and when. Did this ever happen to you? I couldn't find any posts in reddit, forums or the wiki (by the way an article in the wiki only about "shadow force" does not exist yet).


  10. Excelsior !

    I just bought the captain's airship pass (yes I'm a VIP now) and I am bit disappointed. Why there are so many different VIP passes? The function of these VIP areas are nearly the same.
    But enough of this negative criticism ^^

    Actually I want to write down some suggestions to improve this area. An exclusive merchant would be nice for example.
    And even if not - a fishmonger and the fishing supplies merchant should be to find there.

    What do you think? What should be improved to make this areas more comfortable ?

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  11. Thank for explaining me. That makes sense but go in the ego should make it visible for everyone - this could be a compromise, right.
    And 10 years after release there must be a better solution for that




    There are still clipping issues with some weapons e. g. the Charrzooka or if a large eared Asura wears a staff. These weapons aren't automatically hidden. So sorry, I don't really get that sense to hide all backbacks in general during emotes automatically unless it's caused to the very old engine.

  12. Excelsior !

    The backpack and weapons as well disappear during any /emote. You can scroll to ego perspective and and then scroll back to 3D camera to make the backpack and weapons visible but client side only. You can hide and then show the backpack and weapon in inventory to make it visible for everyone.

    But why do they disappear at all? I don't get the concept of this 'feature'. It's not a bug, that's for sure but that doesn't make any sense o.O

    It's just unaesthetic. And to hide/show in inventory just for a nod is very annoying.


    What do you think about that ?


    (Post is edited)

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  13. I wanna ask if there is a possibility to disable that noisy sound of the Mini Charr Car (besides hiding the complete Miniature or turn off the game sound ^^'). The Mini Charr Car is a cool Miniature but it sound's like a mowing machine which runs all the times. I payed about 7 Gold and I couldn't hear this permanent sound in the preview - so it's a bit annoying.

    Would be nice if there is a volume panel or just no sound.
    What do you think ?

    • Haha 1
  14. On 9/25/2017 at 6:36 PM, Bear on the job.6273 said:

    I will have all tomes available to use, but no passives on me. The only way I can seem to fix this is by swapping Firebrand trait line out, and then back in.

    Yes, same problem here. But since today after 15 or 20 seconds the passive tome effect vanishes after the "fix" by swapping to another trait line and then go back. Also mount and demount doesn't work anymore either, or go back to character selection screen.

    (Unfortunately I can't post a picture or a video clip.)

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  15. I have already written my experiences before in another thread:

    So there is just one thing I want to write about:
    The visual effect of the unleashed Pet doesn't look very beautiful like many other Tyrians said before.
    It should be more subtle.

    • Like 1
  16. I like the Untamed but nevertheless it feels incomplete.

    I don't understand why the hammer is the only weapon whose skills change when the Ranger is unleashed. It would be great if the other weapons have this feature too. At this moment most of the time I let my Pet be unleashed for some reasons. The Ambush Skill is only available for 4 seconds after unleashing the Ranger. An unleashed Ranger has a higher damage output but the additional Pet skills are useless: You have to give the order for attacks that the Pet automatically does with other Ranger Professions. In my opinion the Pet skill F2 on unleashed Ranger is enough. The Untamed has its strength in the frequently switching between unleashed Pet and unleashed Ranger but using these F1 and F3 Pet Skill ( on unleashed Ranger) slows you down. The Pet Skills on unleashed Pet are okay but why on earth are they all the same no matter what Pet I choose. This hasn't to be individual for each Pet but individual for each Pet class like Moa, Birds, Spiders, etc.

    (By the way, I don't like this visual effect on unleashed Pet - it should be more subtle)

    Last things are the Cantrips. Sorry, but all of the Utility Skills are useless for me.
    - The Exploding Spores have a ridiculous small radius and all of them must hit to knockdown an enemy. You must literally stand right _in_ the enemy.
    - The Unnatural Traversal has a nice Teleport and it's very helpful to set a trap. But only 2 stacks of vulnerability? The Storm Spirit is a much better choice.
    - The Nature's Binding give you some very nice boons. But its main effect is not very useful (to me). There are lots of possibilities to immobilize the enemy which works on a similar way.
    - Mutate Conditions - Well I guess it's okay.

    These are my personal experiences. To be honest I'm not a good Ranger player nor a competitive player.
    In my opinion the Untamed has some potential but it still needs some rework.

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  17. Excelsior !

    The [Taste for Danger] Trait says: Gain increased vitality. You and your pet gain expertise based on vitality.
    The [Natural Fortitude] Trait says: Gain vitality. Unleashed Ambush skills siphon health if they hit. Siphon healing is reduced for each target struck beyond the first.

    But the [Natural Fortitude] doesn't affect the [Taste for Danger]. My expertise doesn't increase. Is this a bug or is there difference in the mechanic between "Gain increased vitality" and "Gain vitality".

    My attribute values with both Traits [Natural Fortitude] and [Taste for Danger]:
    Vitality: 2136
    Expertise: 132 (obviously not 7% like the [Taste for Danger] Trait says. It's only 6,18%)

    My attribute values only with [Taste for Danger]:
    Vitality: 1896
    Expertise: 132 (6,96%, pretty close to 7%)

    Someone who can clarify my issue here ?

    • Thanks 4
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