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Posts posted by Michalis.6105

  1. 23 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

    Hey OP, I go there to test stuff out and just expect the worst outcome.

    If I can assemble a 5 man team for fun and laughs, we do unranked as well. 


    But yeah, there should be a safe place to practice builds on. Maybe form a pvp guild and practice on private servers. I have tons of timer coins I can donate to anyone, really, just to help out. 

    it's not really about practicing builds it's about being able when you are new able to play and learn the basics of pvp without just getting smashed in 2 seconds flat by a premade 5 man team again and again you kill their desire to even try pvp and no amount of testing builds is going to give them the desire to play pvp again 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Lysico.4906 said:

    It is unranked.  Who really cares.  You go there to test stuff out or chill

    Given how many players joined with the expansion you really should cause all those new players and any that come down the line are gonna hey let's try pvp join unranked get smashed and go that was awful I'm never doing that again and never touch the mode again

  3. Just as a preface to this topic I have organized and rebuilt TCG communities in my area for the better part of a decade and I have seen a trend that always causes problems if not outright death, called a negative growth curve which I am seeing happen in unranked PVP and it has me rather concerned cause it can effectively cause the death of PVP entirely if left unchecked.

    So what is a negative growth curve?

    Well in simple terms in any game you always want more players coming in than are leaving and part of achieving this is having an environment where they can learn against players of a similar skill level and to be blunt you aren't getting any of that in unranked pvp. Which is the introduction to pvp it's the thing that should get people hooked on the mode and want to learn more, but instead they get squashed so fast that you have no idea how it even happened or what went wrong you put people off pvp entirely because they feel like they can't learn or even have fun, cause the second they come out of spawn they die again and again, or if they are lucky they get to do it to the other side all this leads to most players not really sticking to it and slowly but surely the entrenched pvp players will also drop off for a myriad of reasons and eventually you will hit a point where you are losing more players than you are taking in.

    How do you fix this?

    Well frankly I don't have a good solution to most of it but I think one thing that could probably help a lot is separate solos and groups into their own ques yes it might make match making slower but fast match making doesn't mean much when you run out of people to play with.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

    Speaking from years of experience. My concern is introducing a very different body type to the game e.g. Tengu would involve some heavy reworks on the exisiting armor sets.
    At this point, I'd rather see more polished Open World events, a dozen more strikes with CMs or even a raid wing than have another playable race.

    Thing is for armor and models like this you aren't really using the same team members that would be doing polishing of Open World events, or designing a Strike/Raid(you would need the same teams when it comes to put the raid together for any new assets and the story for them), a new race would be basically the art, animation and story writing teams almost exclusively for the majority of their creation

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  5. 2 hours ago, daesz.2439 said:

    Problem is not even story, there is 29054782 sets of armor that will need to be re-designed for new race. 12085712075 lines of voice acting. And the list goes on. Adding new race will never pay off for anet. Unless they want this MMO to completely die - they will never do it.

    majority of the voice lines just refer to you as Commander and don't bring up your race, gender etc so there is no reason those lines would need to change as for armors sure that will take effort for any with bare skin showing but any pieces that hide your body part entirely it's easy as can be for most of the races

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  6. So to the people who have been saying it would be too hard to try integrate the new races into the existing story okay let's run with that premise then why not create their own area till say level 30 where they will then just connect to the story on the main map 

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  7. 7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Agreed.  No.

    Also, topic has been discussed quite a lot.   Please use the forums search feature.

    sure it's been discussed but I see no reason why not to see what people have to say this time maybe someone thought of something recently and would like to speak their minds

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