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Blargo the Great.6704

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Posts posted by Blargo the Great.6704

  1. 16 hours ago, eksn.7264 said:

    I don't think it's as bad as you think, and the cooldown of dragon trigger seems low enough that you'll actually spend a decent amount of time in it. All the dragon slashes have 1s cooldown so unless I'm wrong you could slot the dragon trigger recharge grand master trait and chain a bunch of slashes until you run out of flow.

    Now that's something I didn't consider. When looking at the reset trait I figured you'd get at most two because you use half your flow on each. If you have enough flow gen and you do partial charges it seems like you could get 3-4 maybe. However this also means you lose out on the unblindable and unlockable trait so we'll just have to test it out. CMC did actually say the CDs were long on the gunsaber skills because of the elite so with the extra charges from that plus dragon trigger uptime we'll have to see how it all plays out. 

  2. Fairly experienced player but not experienced with raids. The classes I have geared atm are power/condi warrior, power dh or quickbrand, alacrity renegade, or power reaper. I have a good grasp of all these classes and can play them well enough to raid with. Also willing to join in discord or team speak. Can play during weekdays after around 5:00 pm or most times on weekends during NA time. Time zone is central time.

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