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Posts posted by Furyus.2183

  1. On Guardian, if you have Zeal:Eternal Armory traited, then your Hammer of Wisdom will not snap to your current target even if you have "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" enabled. Instead, it will snap to your mouse cursor location, which is contrary to the intent of "Snap Ground Target to Current Target".

    Other observations, all regarding how the Spirit Weapons work when you have "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" enabled:

    - This only occurs on land. When under water, Hammer of Wisdom works properly with Eternal Armory traited.
    - If you have either Zeal:Mystic Rebuke or Zeal:Symbolic Avenger traited (or no Zeal trait line at all), Hammer of Wisdom works properly on land and under water.
    - The other three Spirit Weapons work properly with Eternal Armory traited.

    Hoping this is an easy fix. Thanks!

  2. Ran this issue through Arena.net Support. They asked me to create a video detailing the problem. After watching it, Arena.net support concurs that this is an actual problem.

    Here's the video I created, which includes details of the specific problem configuration, other similar spells that still work fine in the problem configuration, and the problem itself. The video includes chapter markers to help you navigate. Please watch the whole video, test it for yourself, and reply here with your results.

  3. I frequently run with Autotargeting and Snap Ground Target to Current Target checked/enabled. I frequently use Hammer of Wisdom on my Guardian as my combo finisher. Recently, i.e. within the last day or so, Hammer of Wisdom ceased respecting Snap Ground Target to Current Target. Instead, it now targets/lands wherever my cursor happens to be pointing at the time. I have checked other ground-targeted spells (e.g. Purging Flames); they are working as expected (they snap to my current target).

  4. During meta Defeat Drakkar, the defiance bar of Champion Svanir Tyrant (the 3rd champion intermission of the fight) seems unscaled. It disappeared unusually quickly. There didn't seem to be an unusual amount of cc being delivered by the players, and yet the breakbar melted almost instantly.
    I'm unsure regarding the 1st (Champion Fallen Pineshade) and 2nd (Champion Boneskinner) intermission champions as I stayed out of those to provide a portal for intermission 3.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Froder.5840 said:

    I'd like to chime in about how bizarre the butter status is working on Triple Trouble; yesterday my guild wanted to attempt to get a syncronized one-burn and everything went fine up until one of the wurm heads went down. Cobalt and Crimson went down around a second apart and Amber had only gotten 40% damage when all of a sudden the scaling got re-enabled on Amber, causing a loss for the group.

    I have a full unedited recording of the run and subsiquent one here, all the wurms stayed buttered in the 2-burn attempt, at least from what we could tell:

    The fight begins at 3:41 and the desync happens around 6:30

    Froder's report here regarding TT is the person and conversation I was referring to in my followup report above.

  6. Just did another AB meta. Interesting observation.
    East, North, and West killed their bosses, leaving only South. When South boss's shield was finally removed, South players started dps'ing South boss, which appeared at that time to have normal health pool scaling. This caused the South boss burn to take longer than was expected (because everyone expected it to melt due to no scaling), so long in fact that the lanes reset during the South boss burn. When the lanes reset, the scaling issue re-appeared, which caused the South health scaling issue to re-appear during its burn, causing its health to plummet. It died almost immediately, leaving the other three bosses at their 25% health bar reset amount (although the at-that-moment unscaled amount), and of course the lane mechanics reset.
    When discussing this in map chat afterward, a credible player reported similar behavior in TT when two of the unscaled heads have died, thus leaving a third lone head alive and apparently normally scaled.
    Another player mentioned that they believe this is also happening to the night bosses in Verdant Brink. I haven't heard other reports of this, but I also believe fewer people play that meta all the way through to its conclusion, so there may just be a lower sample size of incident reports for this issue occurring there (or not).
    At any rate, it seems that the no-scaling issue appears when more than one of the bosses in these affected multi-lane multi-boss encounters is alive, that the issue can disappear if only one of the bosses is left standing, and that the issue can re-appear during the encounter if any of the bosses resets/respawns.
    Again, hope this is helpful!

  7. Hi! I don't know if user feedback is useful to you or not for bugswatting, but in case it is, here goes.
    This problem seems to be that affected bosses' health is set to some base value without any per-participating-player scaling factor added (that's how it appears, anyway). This problem began immediately following the patch release of 30JAN2024.
    I can confirm that this problem is affecting the Octovine bosses (the actual bosses on the lower-level boss arena floor), but doesn't appear to affect any other aspects of Battle in Tarir. I have not personally participated in Triple Trouble, but have consistent reports from credible players that the TT bosses are similarly affected.
    Also, since the common factor between the AB bosses and the TT bosses seems to be "bosses for metas with multi-lane multi-boss synchronized kill timers", I just ran a Dragon's Stand to see if the Blighting Tower bosses were also affected. Results: No apparent scaling problem, blighting tower boss health pool seems normal.
    Following in the same vein, I ran a Dragonstorm to see if Braham and Ryland were affected: They seemed to play normally with normal health pools.
    I also checked Rage and Regret during  "Engage the avatars and free the Bastion of Balance": no apparent health pool scaling issues.
    I'm guessing there's a common function used by at least the AB bosses and TT bosses to scale their health based on a fixed base health value + some value based on number of participating players (or some such). Since these both broke in the same way at the same time, I imagine there's something amiss in that function (or in some function it calls), like maybe it has become unable to get/fetch the number of participating players (or something similar). I'm sure you're already aware, just thinking out loud.
    At any rate, I hope this is in some way helpful! 😄
    Thanks for your efforts!

    • Confused 1
  8. Was just doing Skyscale Rider: Elona. Finished the Reality Rift that leads from west of Highjump Ranch southwestward to the vista southwest of Jinx Hollow. Next Reality Rift was listed as beginning at Glint's Lair, so, since I was already so high up, and could easily cruise all the way over as long as I stayed at altitude (Flap when available, no Dive-speeding), decided to griffon glide all the way across the map to Glint's Lair.

    On the glide over I flew directly through a large ghostly city floating up in the sky. I assume it's a developers wireframe (or some such), but, nonetheless, pretty cool to fly through! It's centered over the area northwest of Brightwater Waypoint and southeast of Pricklepatch Hollow.

    TL;DR: Fly at max sustainable altitude from vista southwest of Jinx Hollow toward Glint's Lair, and you'll fly through a ghost city floating in the air!

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  9. For the last couple days, one or more lanes of the Octovine has sometimes become non-targetable during the AB meta.
    This seems to be a random occurrence: it doesn't happen every meta, and even when it does happen, it doesn't seem to happen in every lane (at least not reported in map chat).
    When this problem does occur, it happens after a lane has removed the Octovine's slime shield, which is when the Octovine should become targetable... it just doesn't. In this state, no amount of clicking or tab-targeting will target the Octovine by anyone present. Then, after about 15-20 seconds (guessing, not actually timed), the Octovine becomes targetable by everyone present and it can receive further damage.
    Hoping this can be looked into and fixed. Thanks!

  10. The only story I had not completed on a particular character was Scarlet's War > Season 1 History Lesson.

    Clicked "Begin This Story" on Scarlet's War. Visited Magister Ela Makkay in Lion's Arch, watched Scarlet's War cinematic.

    When cinematic ended, the game automatically triggered "Replay This Chapter" on Living World Season 2 > 1. Gates of Maguuma, even though I had already played this story episode before.

    I know that I can simply use "Quit This Episode", but then it leaves that chapter marked as "Continue This Story", and it leaves that episode marked as "Continue This Episode" and "Restart This Episode". I don't want any of those markers on that story -- I already completed it.

    I think this is a bug. I don't think the game should automatically re-start portions of the story for me.

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