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  1. Hey there, I'm Victor, 23, a young adult, working and studying, who has been playing on and off gw2 for quite a few years already. The last break that I had was quite long, I believe around 3 years when I did not play gw2 at all, but now, since world of warcraft become a bit boring (my guild is not raiding anymore) I wanted to give EoD a shot. I'm a support/ healer main in pretty much every game I play so that's why my choice for now was a healer mechanist (although I'm interested into having a condi alacrity specter too in the near future). I like having a good community and engaging conversations on discord while playing, doing things together such as fractals, raid and the new mission strikes things. I have done some raids and fractals some time ago as a druid, but since I just came back to the game, I can be a bit rusty until I manage to catch up (however, I don't know the mechanics of the new contents, such as the new raid and some other fractals that came up while I was not actively playing). Additionally, I don't mind being told what I am doing something wrong since I like a good and qualitative piece of advice from someone who knows better than me. I will start a new job soon so I'm not sure about my schedule yet, so I am looking for more of a flexible guild where I could miss a couple of events without being an issue. I would not call myself as being a casual player, nor a hard-core one: I definitely enjoy doing end game content, but with a limitation due to my IRL schedule and social activities (but I am also not the type of guy into fishing and fashion war, nothing wrong with that anyway).
  2. Hey there, I'm Victor, 23, a young adult, working and studying, who has been playing on and off gw2 for quite a few years already. The last break that I had was quite long, I believe around 3 years when I did not play gw2 at all, but now, since world of warcraft become a bit boring (my guild is not raiding anymore) I wanted to give EoD a shot. I'm a support/ healer main in pretty much every game I play so that's why my choice for now was a healer mechanist (although I'm interested into having a condi alacrity specter too in the near future). I like having a good community and engaging conversations on discord while playing, doing things together such as fractals, raid and the new mission strikes things. I have done some raids and fractals some time ago as a druid, but since I just came back to the game, I can be a bit rusty until I manage to catch up (however, I don't know the mechanics of the new contents, such as the new raid and some other fractals that came up while I was not actively playing). Additionally, I don't mind being told what I am doing something wrong since I like a good and qualitative piece of advice from someone who knows better than me. I will start a new job soon so I'm not sure about my schedule yet, so I am looking for more of a flexible guild where I could miss a couple of events without being an issue. I would not call myself as being a casual player, nor a hard-core one: I definitely enjoy doing end game content, but with a limitation due to my IRL schedule and social activities (but I am also not the type of guy into fishing and fashion war, nothing wrong with that anyway). Thank you for making time to read my post and if you know any guild that fits with my description, please let me know! Victor (IGN: MitiVjk.9184)
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