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Posts posted by Eval.2371

  1. Wow. These changes are something the game has needed for a long long time. (since 6 months after HoT release).

    One thing I disagree with a little bit is the damage coefficient baseline as not all skills are equal in terms of animation and hit box.

    Take warrior axe auto attack chain: its whole chain is about 2 seconds (1/4s, instant, 1 1/2s) including downtime between animations. If its balanced with a weapon like dagger which has a .75 total attack chain time (1/4, 1/4, 1/4) and both sets of skills have the same overall total coefficient then this promotes the use of low skill high reward skills use over high risk high reward style of skills. This is just an example within a class... never mind across classes.

    I get this is most likely to reduce TTK, but in many cases above some of the skills that have been reduced above will need either a bit more compensation in either application/power coefficients or significant hit box and cast time improvements. I really iteration addresses the issue above.

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