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Posts posted by Comprissent.3856

  1. Current meta outliers

    Scourge (and to a lesser extent, 10-man target abilities). Sand Savant especially has completely warped the entire metagame around itself; every comping and gearing decision in group play has to account for how to deal with this class, how to not die to it, how to attempt to kill it, so on and so forth. And ultimately, since the introduction of PoF only 2 solutions have come up to fighting a heavy scourge based composition; either 1. Don't fight it - stack revenants and weavers and never push into 1000 range and just run; or 2. Just bring more people than your opponent has (self explanatory, and a poor solution).

    No other class or weapon has the raw stopping power to compete with necromancers in any capability; the berserker rework was the closest thing we had to being able to stand toe to toe with necros for all of one week before it was immediately gutted. Almost every weapon skill in the game (I believe all actually but this may not be completely exhaustive) is limited to 3-5 targets with abilities and as a result is outmuscled in every instance trying to trade blows with scourge, leaving us as players to just simply comp adding more and more scourges just to break even with other groups.

    In general, increasing the power of individual classes and granting individuals mass-cleaving abilities (see banners too) indirectly hurts teamplay and discourages smart coordination (expanded on later in this post).

    Fundamental issues I see in wvw:

    Stability - I feel that we still don't have a good plan for this boon right now and it feels bad from the poor interactions it has as a consequence of just being a boon. There must exist over a hundred hard CC effects in the game but by FAR the most effective way to get through a players stability is to just bypass it with a strip or corrupt, which feels awful, and is unintuitive for new players. Including the internal cooldown to removal and ability to constantly get over 20+ stacks with all the firebrands running around, it's just not feasible to even attempt to control groups with hard control effects. My suggestion would be to move stability to its own effect, remove the internal cooldown for stack removal, and adjust every control effect in the game to remove certain number of stacks per strike on targets with stability, based on how powerful the skills should be (i.e. headshot removes 1 stack, full adrenaline earthshaker removes 3 stacks, etc). Long-term I believe this gives more flexibility to tune skills power individually with regards to control effects too.

    Combo System - "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" I feel like we went away from this philosophy in HoT and PoF. Great guilds could separate themselves from the average ones due to their coordination, ability to combo with each other (either via intentional game-meant combos like group water field healing or simple ones like warrior earthshakers/flurries to lock down enemies to be caught in their elementalists meteor showers or necromancer wells). Individual classes did not really have much solo killing power or it came at a great cost (i.e. killshot warrior having zero support to offer, or gank/pick like thief/mesmer being completely unable to enter melee cleaves). Today, dps classes are judge jury and executioner all at once, capable of ripping boons, dealing incredible damage, and controlling their enemies simultaneously, which leads to the 'coordination' of guilds and zergs these days just boil down to simply all pressing those kill buttons at the same time.

    The combo system also did another thing I greatly appreciate which was allow for support at long range. Simpler combat mechanics less unique effects existing meant classes did not need to be within 300 range or be aiming a 120-radius cone at teammates to offer support; Elementalists could be 1200+ range away and offer healing and frost aura that melee could take advantage of, whereas now much more powerful abilities exist via simple utilities or traits/skills that only require you to be in a certain aoe. This has been a primary reason zergballs have just become more and more optimal due to the power of pbaoe-only type support being so powerful.

    A possible suggestion to reign in powercreep and make combos relevant again (and just one suggestion) - Rework dark fields so they play around the boon corruption aspect; blasting removes 1x5 boons, leaps remove 2 from one target, etc, then favor necromancer access to dark fields but heavily remove their raw stripping power. This will keep theme of boon corruption to the necromancer but allow for guilds and synchronized groups to elevate their play with combo interaction rather than just making the game easy and stripping boons via the click of one button

    A final note with regards to the teamplay aspect of WvW - I feel that the powercreep of professions also directly harmed guild membership as the creep grew out of control. Solos had lots of incentive to join guilds in vanilla due to it being one of the only ways to crack large pug groups, but could consistently do so once practiced as good groups were well rewarded and would very consistently win, which I believe is healthy for the state of the game. These days, solo players are just as capable as anyone in the guilds to dish out massive amounts of damage or run around with banners and be wildly effective or even delete commanders with oneshot builds so they have less incentive to join guilds, practice, or even learn teamwork. I'm sure many on here can sympathize with perma-queued EBG maps filled to the brim of pugs who never join comms, don't have zerg builds, and always have a longbow equipped with whatever class they are on.

  2. Scourges still hitting 10 players?

    You really want to die on this hill

    There just simply is not any reason to continue having one spec that far outcleaves every other weapon in the game and expect any sort of class variety in this metagame

    The one change you have not presented for feedback yet until now is the one that would potentially have the most significant metagame impact and now you say you aren't taking any more feedback, which really stinks

  3. Incredibly happy for this

    WvW has needed a shakeup since server linkings, this is amazing

    Those afraid about your "communities", I urge you to keep open mind and embrace this change. I know of many, many players who will be interesting in coming back to the game for this

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