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  1. Hello, I have been playing GW2 for years now ( Started at launch, got to 80 then quit but been playing off and on since 2014 ). Recently I have found myself in a pickle where I want to start doing more content but don't have anyone else to play with other than my two buds who also play Semi-Casual. Looking for something with low commitment, sort of drop in / drop out as sometimes real life takes priority. Also looking for more of a learning environment if possible but if you throw me in the deep end, I'll adapt. Primarily want to get more involved with WvW but doing map-metas/strikes/raids/fractals are also something id love to do in a static. Not too interested in sPvP at this time, but ill play the odd few games. If your interested in experience, I have done all of W1 and some of W4 (back in HOT time though). Most IBS strikes and one EOD strike. Fractal level is like mid 50s or something can't remember. WvW experience is minimal but at rank 175 if that helps gauge anything. Usually follow a tag on the map and support the group. Also like to roam with my two buds for guild missions in our meme 3 man guild. Send me a mail in game mail valadash.3476 or reply here if you think you have a spot for someone like me. There is a good chance my two buds will follow.
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