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Posts posted by Elegie.3620

  1. Hello,

    Maybe you could share your build? It'd be easier for us to give proper feedback. Or better, a video of your gameplay?

    I mainly do WvW, playing as standard core warrior. I used to favor Might Makes Right and the Runes of Durability, but went back to Berserker's Power and Runes of Strength. Damage is always a good way to survive:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3ejMdQZHWFCmhApIGICK9Lm+YwCgIYAwT4FWBA-jlCEQBtR3AEeAAR4CA4P1fewBBgJK9Sx+DYUJIAOCAZRZAZAqGDA-w

    Against conditions: a warrior is not bad, especially with Berserker's Stance and Brawler's Recovery. However, a good condi player will tear you down, simply taking his/her time to wear your CDs out. A warrior is a very readable class in the end, and easily killable, as long as you take your time. Be aware of the condi burst combos a class can inflict, expect them during a fight and avoid them accordingly (dodge or blocks). This means getting knowledgeable about other class mechanics (scourge AoE, mesmer shatter combos, and so on). No panacea I'm afraid.

    Against dragonhunter: it's a 50-50 fight. You need to reflect what you can reflect, dodge what you cannot (unblockable shots). You need to trigger traps without taking damage (dodge in then out, GS #3). You must not remain on symbols. Basically, be aggressive to force defensive CDs off the opponent, and a (short) window of opportunity will come eventually . When a DH uses their elite, you're half-way there (keep pressure, but don't be suicidal).

    Against mesmer: the bane of the warrior. A mesmer has more mobility than you , more CC, more evade, more breakstun and more burst. You need to be aware of basic burst combos, and pay attention to illusions. If you can, kill illusions as much as possible - a lot of illusions means a shatter will come after a CC - but don't rush to melee at all time (although pressure is important, as in all fights). Condi mesmers: just refuse the fight, even if you can survive the condi pressure by paying attention, they have too many ways to kite you for you to kill them.

    Against rangers: you should be able to win, as long as you can use terrain to mitigate longbow damage (don't fight on open fields), alongside with the reflect (just remember the LB burst usually comes after a CC, so keep a breakstun at hand). A ranger has more mobility than you, but you can still chase effectively. Once the ranger switches to melee weapon set, you should be alright (just pay attention to the GS block and stun if they use a GS, be careful of the double maul). Also, check the pet they use: this helps to anticipate/dodge a burst (gazelle...), predict/interrupt a defensive stance (a smoke field to give stealth...), and so on.

    Necro: scourges can be hard because of the condi pressure: take your time, don't stay in the AoE, don't waste your CS's on barriers, and you should win (although barely). Core necro is a win, reaper depends on the opponent's skill (e.g. don't melee a shrouded necro).

    There are other unfavorable matchups out there. There are two advices I can give:

    • Know your own class. Do you weapon swap to take advantage of sigils? Do you use Reckless Dodge efficiently? Do you exhaust opponent's stability (or break stun) before bursting with Bull's Charge? Do you use skill retargetting as a fighting technique (GS #5, Bull's Charge, Eviscerate, Shield's Bash...)?
    • Know your enemy. Actually, very few players are advanced players, be it in PvP or WvW. I suggest you simply spend a couple of hours on each class to get familiar with them, especially after you get countered hard. You'll see first hand how an opponent kills you, that'll give you some ideas :)

    I don't play PvP, expect for occasional dailies. I've found that core is a bit inferior to spellbreaker, and had to use an aggressive build to obtain decent results (berserker amulet). This is what I've been using:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3ejMdQZH25BmhApIGICKLAigBQ/ipPGwT4FeeA-jpBHABts/AAXAADeAANfEAaqMwAHEAA

    Happy gaming to you.

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