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Posts posted by Matmos.9702

  1. One of my favourite NPC's in the game is the Tour Guide in Lion's Arch. I've followed her about a few times listening to her comment on the different areas of Lion's Arch. Even after hearing it multiple times her comment at the fountains still brings a smile to my face.


    I decided to look up to see if there was any information on her, i'd sort of worked out that she either was or wanted to be an architect and had failed in this. But then i read that she is in the Lion's Arch aerodrome, so i went and found her, and there she is crying against the wall and i felt really sad for her. It's strange as i've felt sad for NPC's that have died in quests or in battles, but this felt different. It's like she had dreams to be an architect and these dreams were shattered and now she's having go around Lion's Arch and show people these structures that she hates.


    It got me wondering are there any other NPC's that players have found and thought i wonder why they are here. 


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