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Posts posted by Kai.9264

  1. I'm having the same issue, on every character. It's more extreme on my Asura Guardian though. 80% of the time, I play without being able to see my weapons + backpack on that character. I can't really find a pattern in their disappearance and reappearance  (except relogin or changing map). I filed in a bug report months ago. Did you report the bug ingame aswell?

    Edit: Okay so after trying it out a bit I found this: Weapons + Backpack often dissappear when drawing them and after that can reappear when mounting up (works sometimes), using waypoints, relogin, switching map.

  2. Thank you to all the developers in all the departments for your hard work on this expansion. I don't know how to say it but I've been supporting this game for so long now, through all ups and downs and EoD really warms my heart! You just can see the love that was put into it by the developers.


    Loved it from the beginning to the end! (of dragons heh)

    To what's to come!




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  3. As of late, this got higher and higher on my gw2 wishlist :/I think there is great potential in the guild system. I love my guild, the people in it and to play with them. To be honest, if it weren't for them, I'd probably would've stopped playing gw2 a long time ago. And I heard/read the same from others. Guilds and the friend you make through them literally keep you in the game, keep you playing, even in times like now.Sadly with how the system is now, it gets boring pretty fast, espacially the guild missions.With Anets current friend/ships campaign, do they not see the potential and importance in the guild system? And therefore expand on it with new features, new missions, Guild vs Guild, maybe a new guild hall, guild activities in the guild hall? I don't know whatever comes to mind.So I just want to see what you others think about it, here it goes:

  4. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Kai.9264 said:Anyone else having fps problems with this map?

    Whenever I have FPS issues due to the amount of people nearby, I do the same thing: lower the maximum player model count and quality. Works wonders. :)

    Sure, I do that to. But I don’t thinks that’s the problem. I have the same constant low fps even when other players are nowhere near me. And of course fps are low at the concert because there is so much going on. I’m talking about just running around near the castle for example

  5. @"Bobby Stein.3612" said:We purposely leave this vague to allow room for role-playing. Whether you want to be "the" Commander, "a" commander, or just a mercenary while playing raids is totally fine in my opinion. The stories inside raids, while thematically relevant to the Living World and Personal Story, don't really intersect except for the occasional comment by a character in the open world. If you did the raid, we think it's good for characters to acknowledge that. But if you didn't we still consider the events of the raid as canon--something that someone in the world did. We try to account for either scenario since each player's progress will be different.

    While inside a raid, you shouldn't ever be addressed as "the Commander" by the characters because it's not relevant to what's going on. These characters don't know you as anyone other than someone willing to help, so your past accomplishments don't really matter to the task at hand. We do show raiders develop a bit of a friendship with Glenna, but again we don't bother with the Commander distinction.

    Raids don't treat the instance owner as the raid "story owner" since raids are about the group, not the individual. Because of that, we provide moments where any player in the squad can chime in during scenes, thus alleviating the problem of "who gets to be the Commander and who is just a mercenary" in the squad. Does that make sense?

    In short, be who you want to be inside raids but don't expect to be addressed as the Commander. B)

    this is very nice and refreshing to me. I enjoy this kind of character role more then being the big hero commander who everyone knows and everyone needs you to save the day/world

  6. @Crystal Black.8190 said:I don't understand who thought that would be a good idea. People choose their server for a reason of which language is probably the main one. I guess the huge majority of European players doesn't speak a second language at all. A minority at least can speak English, but nearly no one can talk most of the European languages. In one linking it will be German+French, the following, German+Spanish, French+Spanish etc. It will just lead to a huge kitten with a lot of players unable to communicate with each other.It's the opposite, only a minority can't speak english. EU's english skills will be enough for map chat lol. Where are you from if I might ask?

  7. Pro:Loved the Expansion for pretty much the same reasons as many others said before me. But a main reason for me was that I felt a little of that Gw1 vibe again (story and world building wise). Not because of all the refrences and throwbacks, but because of the feeling that Anet found their direction were they want to go and to do it all with confidence. I also all the lore behind almost everything and all the little detail and dialogs of random npc's. Without stuff like this, the expansion would've been half as good, for me at least.

    Cons:One big Con for me, as WoodenPotatoe also said in a recent video, the social aspects. I hardly talked to a single person in the whole expansion, not because I'm anit social or what not, but there was just no need to do it. The Event where it needed 3 people to trigger it was great and got me going social, maybe something like this a little bit more in the future.

    Anyway at the end of the day, the expac was great, cheers!

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