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Posts posted by Invalid.8765

  1. That is the plan by Anet, to delete servers. Too many people bandwagon to servers and demand a solution rather than strengthen their own community. In fact, most of these players in the forums especially the high post counts that are defending alliances as better than sliced bread, are the first to transfer off to another server for the most minor of reasons.


    The grass is always greener on the other side; until they get there and realize that it is not, but they never realize the cause only looking at the symptoms.


    People can invest in where they are currently, or they can flee like cowards to another server. Most want to flee like cowards and this is where alliances will help them not have to use gems to invade another community that does not want or need them.


    In short alliances cater to your average WvW player that logs in a few times a year, complains in WvW Team chat about how bad X server is how and Y server is better. They cannot wait until alliances so they are finally away from X server; which will turn into "X alliance is so bad, Y alliance is better, I cannot wait until they fix alliances so I do not have to be paired with X alliance".


    Then they can finally stop playing for a few years or indefinitely at that point because nothing has improved but will continue to post on the forum as if they are active WvW players. Anet is splitting up people that did not make it into 'alliance guilds' but have been on X server since release and never have transferred, likely the main factor of what X server has their good reputation. Often those players that will be left behind are the reason X server is so good and/or fun to play on/with, not the bandwagoning players that are gung ho because they transferred to X server day(s)-week(s) and now claim they are why the server has said reputation, but Anet could careless.


    Further, most if not all of these alliance guilds will fall apart to e-drama in time, but let's act surprised when it happens "wow how did this happen, never saw that coming". Anet is shifting from a server structure to a power structure where 1 guild leader has all the power to ruin a server/alliance and only naive people would say "just reform" ignoring the damage that will be done each time this cause and effect happen.


    Short sighted devs want to ruin what is left of WvW out of spite or ineptitude, or both. This applies to most of the forum warriors too, they want to see X server broken up because they are too incompetent to handle them in X+XvX much less XvX; the remaining are just too unable to see the forest for the trees.

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  2. Lack of Anet dev response is par for the course. Most of the threads in WvW and PvP section highlighting the glaring lack of content/Anet effort and ideas to improve with little effort go unnoticed by the devs.


    They are quick to tell you to stay on topic or thread will be closed, but when it comes to anything else, crickets.


    Makes you suspect they take the same approach as a lot of other devs (video game or not); "We know what you want better than you do, this is for your own good"

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  3. It is very pathetic how Anet is approaching this, literally doing the bare minimum and not solving any issue while creating a whole new slew of issues that their shortsighted views are unable to see


    None of their changes will solve imbalances which will always remain just the same as people whining on the forums about X server/X matchup


    They will go forward with alliances no matter what the WvW playerbase says, because plenty of FvF players are complaining and that means "something must be done" (Forum v Forum); Anet is -reacting- out of desperation rather than a proper approach to help WvW

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  4. Why is it so important for Anet to further damage a game mode they do not understand or care to.


    You have 2 different types of WvW players:

    1. Actually plays WvW because they enjoy the decent fights that sometimes appear (not carebear boonball groups)

    2. Plays Forum v Forum but claims they are the most dedicated WvW veteran and have hundreds-thousands of forum posts



    Feel free to cater to the fairweathers like every other game in the past 5-10 years, they will stop playing before you implement changes that will further reduce the amount of actual WvW players there are. Or listen to the veteran playerbase that enjoys WvW but wishes devs would not have listened to the idiots of the past (IE removing Orbs, removing Quaggan island, removing Red BL to add Desert BL, no pip rewards in Edge of the mists, etc)


    Devs are probably too stubborn to admit they do not understand WvW, but a simple change in their minds (alliances) will have much more severe long term effects and will not achieve their goal of making "WvW better"


    Anet has yet to add a reason to WvW and as it stands most people (not Forum v Forum complainers) play WvW for fun


    Add pips to Edge so that we can once again use that part of the game rather than ignore the likely hundreds+ hours of development that went into that great map. It helps with reset night queues as well as stale matches, which if they go forward with this half-baked version of alliances as it sounds like, will help greatly for the horrible matchups that will follow




    In come posts from forum warriors with thousands of posts full of noise and nothing of merit

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