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  1. I joined a guild last week before the team reset. My girlfriend tried joining said guild but they are full. After the reset, my girlfriend and I are now on different WvW teams, I am on green and she is on blue. How can we play together? Do we have to wait 1 week like before? Edit: Additional info, we are both in Isle of Janthir world
  2. I really want to learn and start trying raids, I am on NA and I don't have a fixed schedule available for raiding 😞, and the only thing I've ever seen on LFG no matter what time of the day or night is Experienced groups in the "Raids (Experienced)" section of LFG. Nothing is in "Raids (Training)". If I ask anybody about how to join a group, they always point me to using other platforms to find a group, so I joined Raid Academy on discord but sadly I am not always available on the times that someone is calling out for raids (I have a bad schedule for games irl). I joined a Raid Academy training group once for wing 3, but since then I've never ran raids ever again. I have been looking for a group literally for a couple of months now just to be able to start crafting coalescence. Still no luck. Do I really have to spend majority of my time waiting for a group on a discord server or some other platform just to even be able to try them? I am at my wits end in finding a group for this content and I really genuinely want to learn this. Do I really have to suffer this much just to try it out?
  3. Don't know where to post this, but please add a "skip" button on all cutscenes or parts of the story where NPCs just talk. I am here to play a game. If I wanted a story I would watch a movie or read a book. Please add a "skip" button please.
  4. You guys complaining about how easy open world contents are is not proof enough?
  5. ahh and they wouldn't have nerfed it if it was just a vocal minority who was complaining about it, so there is another proof that it's not just a minority who was complaining about it 😊 Edit: Just stating facts of the current situation hehe
  6. they would not have nerfed it a few times if it was a success
  7. It is safe to say that the average player can only progress up to a certain point in the openworld and we have already reached that point, and yet you guys want to go past that point once again it was already done once and it was a failure. Proof is when they released the Soo-won meta, it received a huge backlash for being too difficult for an openworld meta event, and it is not even as hard as the easeiest strike missions we have in the game. You should not expect a raid level skill progression to be learned by casual players in the open world, that defeats the purpose of a casual friendly exploration game which is what GW2 is all about. New expansions are just new maps for everyone including new players. It is unreasonable to expect "new expansion = harder OPENWORLD content", but if we are talkinbg about "new expansion = harder INSTANCED content" then that is reasonable and should actually always be the case and actually is the case right now. Fractals was specifically made for that exact purpose. It wasn't enough so they released strikes. Now we have Strike CMs and even Convergences CMs. If they did what you guys are suggesting this game would just be another tryhard openworld skyrim/warcraftesque 2nd rate game and would have less players than it has now.
  8. If you see majority of the openworld playerbase as braindead because they are not enjoying challenging content, you really should be playing a competitive game and not a fantasy Exploration game mate. Like I said, goodluck.
  9. Where are you getting your arguments man. When did it sound like it was a problem for me? 😆 The game is an open world exploration game and you are literally trying to suggest it should not be like that 😂 Goodluck!
  10. Who said new players cannot play in expansion maps? This argument makes zero sense, a player who started yesterday can buy an expansion and be in an expansion map the same day they bought the map.
  11. And I did not state that the current openworld events were never challenging. Also if you want challenging PvE content, that is what Fractals/Raids/Strikes/Convergences CM are for. Leave the openworld for the enjoyment of the majority of us who enjoys relaxing explorable content. Also I was replying to the other gay that said:
  12. what is the huge difference? both are open world events that literally anyone who has access to the map can join
  13. Yea. Why they put a timer after already opening the chest is beyond me... if it's for the botters, the chests are far away enough to each other to not be able to be spammed by botters... so many times have I been forced to enter combat because I could not mount on time because of those timers... feels bad man 🙁
  14. One of the biggest reasons I bought this game is because I experienced a meta in queensdale that I was able to join a group of people despite me being a low level player without a "proper" gear and not knowing how to play it, and that is what caught my interest in the game. I have never experienced that in any other MMO I've played, and that experience alone convinced me that this game is worth spending my money on. If you want to disregard new players like that and gatekeep OPENWORLD meta events just so you can have a bit of a challenge, I'm afraid you are playing the wrong game.
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