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  1. i think id like to join iv bin looking for a small guild or least a vere social guild to join {im semi new}
  2. would love to join bin trying to find a small guild for a while im semi new ( a ff14 player ) so im not a big fan of bigger guilds
  3. i would love to join im a semi new play but just want to be in a small huild not a fan of the bugger ones thou i am in NA so hope that dosnt effect anything
  4. hey im a semi new player bin looking for a small guild for months now was wondering if your guys were still recruiting
  5. if you guy r still wanting new players in your guild im preaty interested im a semi new but watch the game since it first came out i have tryed other guild but they have bin big guild with no one talking to anyone
  6. this sound like a good guild id would wanna join im a semi new player if u r still adding people to your guild
  7. dont like big guilds just wanna make some friends and do end game content with a small group of people
  8. world love to join jus got back into GW2 never played the endgame but have mostly always bin the f2p player that just recently bought the ex packs
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