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Posts posted by ozgu.6524

  1. I think and as many thief players think, Anet took many good aspects of the class away, and as a result they left us with very little option to choose.
    There are not much variety among the builds imho. And mostly you are limited with your own play style/skill level.

    In terms of traits, almost in each Thief trait line there is only one ideal combination (maybe except Deadly Arts) and rest of the combinations are simply meaningless.

    But in general, Thief traits seem to me quite weak, ineffective.
    Just some minority of them are better than the pointless majority.
    Same applies to some Thief utility/elite skills too (and also some weapon skills).

  2. Hello everyone.

    This is probably discussed before but once more I'd like to know your opinion about it:


    Don't you get bored with WvW?

    Is doing the same things over and over again fun?

    Doesn't WvW mode need something new to prevent things getting repetitive?

    In my opinion there must be some major changes/add-ons related to core mechanics of the mode to make things enjoyable.

    What I mean is beyond alliances, mounts, gliding etc.


    Before suggesting something I'd like to stop and hear from you about your thoughts regarding current state of the mode.

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  3. Even though I still insist on the vanilla Deadeye, it is obvious that the last update has brought some cool stuff.

    But, it is still useless and ineffective if you wish to exploit kneel skills.
    Because you even cannot fill your malice (in case for m7) with Three Round Burst because of its high initiative cost, while you can with Skirmisher's Shot easily...

    So, I cannot see much reason to use kneel other than shadowstepping with the new skill, Death's Advance.

    • Like 1
  4. What would you think about to restore Deadeye to its vanilla version which is before the rework that came with 2018-05-08 update?

    I think Deadeye is simply ruined with that rework, and now Anet staff will rework on its skills once more in a weird way by allowing Deadeye to walk while kneeling and reducing its skills' range.

    Instead of messing with those stuff over and over again I wish them to bring back the vanilla Deadeye.

    So, what do you think?


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