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Posts posted by kaesebrezen.3104

  1. 2 hours ago, Sevens.9452 said:

    oh and people seem to love complaining about rng:

    one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

    and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment

    2nd oh before people go there, teapot already said: "We are on the case! But you didn't pay for the mount, you paid for the ability to unlock the mount!" (see comments section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOm-BGR1ka0)


    Then the point of the discussion just went over your head.


    "Forcing" players to spend an extreme amount of time to build a group full of meta builds should not be part of an open world meta. The game should have a place where meta builds do not matter, only mechanics should matter.


    A non meta group that performs the mechanics properly (i.e. doesn't die, breaks the break bar, get several wisps buffs on their group), should be able to kill the boss with a significantly higher success rate (not have a guaruanteed win) then they currently do. And the 2-5 minutes of RNG help a lot with that.


    My personal opinion is that RNG has to be kept in lines, because at some point, "bad luck" becomes no fun. When the boss, in extreme cases, can go tail -> 3x side swap -> tail -> more side swaps. Then that simple is not fun. It's furstrating, and probably much more exhausting then just stepping left and right to dodge mechanics.

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  2. I went through some videos to get a picture of how attack patterns can impact kill time... and it doesn't look good. It's very likely a variance of two, three, four, maybe even 5 additional minutes if you get extremely unlucky.


    The primary offender is one single mechanic: the side swap of the boss, as each swap usually takes 10 seconds to complete, and wipes conditions/buffs from the boss and your party.


    For reference the thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/109710-an-analysis-of-jade-sea-meta-attack-patterns-and-phase-duration/?tab=comments#comment-1586649


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  3. TL:DR: The bosses random attack pattern can add anywhere from two to four, five, minutes to the fight.


    I went through several youtube videos on the Jade Sea meta to get a picture on how significantly the RNG attack pattern can affect the duration of each boss phase (excluding add phases, as they don't have pattern). While we generally lack the exact DPS - P1 and add phase duration usually gives some hint on the groups output. (and some have dps meters)


    The videos in question feature the following kill times per phase (100 - 80% | 80 - 60% | 60 - 40% | 40 - 20% | 20 - 0%)


    Video 1:   50s | 60s | 60s | 120s | 80s

    Video 2:   40s | 120s | 50s | 120s | 130s

    Video 3:   40s | 130s | 50s | 120s | 130s

    Video 4:    45s | 150s | 90s | 180s | 180s

    Video 5:  70s | 110s | 70s | 130s | 250s


    Video 1 is probably the single most lucky kill on youtube. With a a single tail spawn and just 4 side swaps, all phases last for a very short time. Also noteworthy, in comparison to all other videos, is the very early break bar in p5.

    Video 2 and 3 feature the highest dps comps (as seen in p1 and p3), yet noteworthy here, in comparison to video 1 are the significantly longer phases 2 and 5. There are two primary causes here: A Tail spawned, and the boss swapped sides several times or decided to do a tail smash when the tail was active. In Video 2 we have 4 tail spawns and 8 side swaps. In Video 3 we have 4 tails and 11 side swaps.

    Video 4 shows a hideous 3 minute phase 4 for the lovely reason of two tails and 6 side swaps in a single phase. Phase 5 isn't much better, with an additional 7 side swaps. That is more then video 1 got over all phases. Fun additional fact: This group only took 45 in p1 -without- a break bar.

    Video 5 generally seemed to have lower dps compared to the other teams (but was done when wisp phase could be skipped completely). Phase 5 here though has about the single most aweful attack pattern that can happen in this fight: Side Swap -> Tail -> Side Swap -> Side Swap -> Side Swap -> Tail ->Tidal Wave -> Side Swap -> Side swap -> Front Smash which is close to as minimal of an uptime you can get in this phase.


    The randomness of the bosses attack pattern have a massive impact on the kill time anywhere from two to four, maybe even five minute. And this timer is completely out of control of the players. This simple is abyssmal game design. Nothing more, and nothing less.


    The biggest impact is the side swap for several reasons. Not only does i make the boss immune for roughly 10 seconds, it also drops all conditions (edit: due to being away for 10 seconds), and likely several buffs from your group (edit: from you not attacking, but running). The impact one invidivual side swap of the boss has on the kill time is massive, and the mechanic should either be significantly more rare - or imo - just flat out removed.


    I don't even want to comment further than that... but i seriously question how this even made it past the drawing board.


    Videos in question:

    Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOm-BGR1ka0

    Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O1YPomQHEw

    Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayZMmz8r17Q

    Video 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7ho8nlftAw

    Video 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfno6zioNZc&t=858s


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  4. 1 minute ago, XECOR.2814 said:

    . Also how can you tell no one will do it again after getting turtle. We are few days in the expansion and people haven't figured everything out yet and you are claiming whats gonna happen. Complaining this early in the expansion just because people cant roll over the event like rest of the content in the game instead of trying more and figuring stuff out and honestly just getting better at the game makes me take the stand im taking.

    Because people do stuff based on;

    1) rewards

    2) fun

    3) time investment


    While i'd say conceptually the final fight seem fun, everything leading up to it , at least to me, is not.


    Directly compare Dragonfall pre-events and farm in terms of engagement and variety of evens and modes of traveling to Jade Sea.

    Jade Sea pre-events are dull an boring. The escorts are about the same in excitement, just Jade Sea is signifcantly longer in time commitment.

    In Dragonfall, there's a pretty good variety of events, you get keys for your loot pinataat the oss chests, and the champion train.

    In Dragonfall, you can join any time during the meta, wether it is pre, boss, or post boss chests - you just at some point need to farm the keys. In Jade Sea, you have to do the pre-event to get the most out of the boss event, including a chance at beating it.

    In Dragonfall, you get rewarded at every step. In Jade Sea, you only get rewarded on success.


    As has been written several times, the Jade Sea boss lacks consistency. While RNG can good, if the RNG allows for certain boss abilities to never happen and for it so significantly impact the chance of a kill, then it's bad. The boss can do the following patterns:

    - At 75% you get your break bar, you break it, the boss just does his dodge right or dodge circle abilities. You can easily get the boss to 60% within the break bar window.

    - At 75% the boss spawns the tails, you kill the tail. While the you're at the tail, the boss gets a breakbar. You still somehow to manage to get the tail and breakbar, the boss decides to just swap sides twice in a row. You

    - The boss decides to just swap sides and spawn her tails. You get a breakbar at 62%.


    Just watch this video:

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  5. I'm just done with this shitshow of a meta.... 


    If you seriously expect players to commit one and a half hour to an event, then these one and a half hour should be fun. The whole part of the meta up to the final fight is just an utter waste of time with practically nothing exciting. The escorts are dull and boring, and just eat up time. They simple should be part of the pre-event to fill the bars, but that would actually add something useful to the boring rest of the map events. And we really can't have people having fun preparing the meta.


    The fight itself is a massive pile of RNG crap:

    - When your boss decides to only use the breakbar when she's 2-3% before a phase change - what's the point of the break bar bonus?

    - When the boss cosecutively swaps side and becomes untargetable - how are you expect to meet the DPS check?

    - Why does the boss even have the melee smash/shockwave mechanic, when it's flat out possible for her to never use it?

    - Want another fun combo the boss can do? You somehow get an early breakbar, you get your 10 seconds in. The boss swoops to the other side, and immediately gets her tail shield - totally effective to increase the break debuff to 30 seconds.


    Here, i'll make a bet: Remove the side-swap mechanic the boss does, and the kill percentage will skyrocket.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
    • The duration of the "Exposed" debuff from break bars in this encounter has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. This further incentivizes engaging with the break bar and should increase group damage output when completing the mechanic correctly. This change applies to both the Final Boss and all mini-bosses in the final encounter.


    What does a 30 second debuff on the boss matter, when her totally random attack pattern just has her consistently become untargetable and move across the plattform, or just respawn her tail?


    These changes do very little compared to before. People with the wisp buff are few, even if all make it. And the "win"-wisp strategy gave 2 mintes extra, now it's just 90 seconds - which is then made up by the 20 second extra break-debuff on the add phase.


    So the total net-gain from these changes to before is absolutely zero.

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  7. Yeah.. with the current state of the meta, many people will simply be unable to ever unlock the turtle collection.


    Not only is the dps check extremely tight, but the event itself is such a massive time commitment (you ideally want everyone to complete at least 10 events before the one hour event itself), that i just find it hard to invest that much - to ultimately fail the event.

    • Like 14
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  8. The meta is absolutely dreadful...


    Way too long - 1 hour preparation phase for a damage/reward buff you will need, and one hour for the meta itself.

    One useless escort in middle - what's the point of it? To show people how to AFK with aurene?

    Two long escort paths - why don't they start at halfway ? The part before the siege turtles is virtually pointless.

    Way to overtuned - 20 min boss fights - 4 minute intermission timer (and these phases are boring as hell), 2 add phases with 2-3 adds at 60/20% each roughly 3 minutes. And then you have to hit away the boss and it's tail health.




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  9. Mace seems weak, even weaker then pistol. That's should be telling enough.

    • 1 is weak, confusion doesn't synergize with firearms DoT duration for bleeding/burning and thermal vision
    • 2 has a very short ranged (esp. when compared to sword/holo leaps)
    • 3 even though it stuns, has a pretty long CD and low damage
    • very little synergy with the explosion DoT traits (which seemingly is wanted with 1st row grandmaster). all mace skills should be explosions

    Little synergy with trait lines outside of explosion and firearm:

    • Tools: Mech Commands are fewer then toolbelt skills and have longer CD - a lot less benefit from all toolbelt focused traits. Also doesn't help that the tool line is power focused
    • Alchemy: only works with Inventions for the condition removal traits via protection/shield. Medkit is bad because of no F1
    • Inventions: Only really useful when you run mechanist 2-2-2 to provide more boons.

    Master traits:

    • Master traits are picked based on your gear
    • Master traits due to the stat increase force you into their respective line, esp. for power and condition builds. I'd move all of the inherited stats into baseline mech, and have these traits give a static x cond/exp, hp/conc, and power/ferocity to the mech, in addition to whatever it inherits.
    • Channeling Conduits has some synergy with Mace/Engineer, while the other two Master traits offer 0 benefit to the engineer. Some static stat boosts to the engineer (which then are inherited by the mech), would help here.

    Specific traits:

    • Jade Dynamo seems totally out of place in it's position. J-Drive and Barrier Enginge give benefits to the engineer, either via boons/barrier or signets, while Jade Dyname gives a condition mech traits from a primarily power focused traitline.
    • You can move Jade Dynamo to the Jade-Cannons traits, increase the chance for explosion to 100%, and with the lovely explosion minor trait of steel-packed-power, get a pretty similar effect on what it currently does. Even the name "jade canons" works with the explosion theme.
    • Like 3
  10. Just writing what i don't enjoy:

    • Elite Spec imbalances are huge
    • lack of event chains (outposts, pylons), and meta events
    • Rewards for (the few meta) events are extremely poor, people do not do them.
    • Collections are very easy (and short)
    • Bounties cost too much waypoint silver... (take bounty, kill bounty, wp back, take new bounty), and are also pretty unrewarding.
    • karma use items
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