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Posts posted by Refeuh.8493

  1. Hi all !


    Whilst I couldn't be happier to see some of the Black Lion exclusive skins becoming more accessible with the introduction of tiers (recent, vintage, etc.), I believe the pricing update could have been handled better.


    Because of the way statuettes are obtained, they are on par with other scarce currencies, like gems or laurels, and should be treated as such : the items that were going to be significantly reduced  in the new system shouldn't have been in the rotation of items available at old full price right before the update.


    As a player who has carefully saved on statuettes, and checked regularly the vendors, I was quite excited to get my Vermilion Tail Feather just a few days ago for 60 statuettes. Seeing the new price for the same item, 25 statuettes, and while I still enjoy my purchase and the fancy style of that beautiful looking skin, I cannot help but feel like 35 of my (precioouuuus) statuettes just evaporated...


    This is always handled better in the gem store, where items go out of rotation before coming back at a later stage on sale at a discount price. The same should have been done with the statuettes, with items that would be reduced not being available for at least a few weeks prior to the introduction of the system.


    All in all, not a big deal and not worth making a fuss, but it's not a great feeling : I'm not asking for compensation, but I would appreciate if, in the future, updates to the economy/currencies would be considered with this perspective in mind.


    Thanks for reading !

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