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Posts posted by nondesu.3986

  1. 3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    We're continuing to work on this, but in the meantime we know this stall is really frustrating for those of you experiencing it. Our current plan is to get a fix completed and live in a hotfix tomorrow (May 22). For now, we have temporarily set the affected event to instantly succeed rather than stalling out. This will allow you to progress to the next steps rather than trying to find a map that is not stalled. Once the fix is live tomorrow, we'll revert the event progression back to normal. 

    Thank you for being patient as we work on this!

    thanks for keeping us posted o7

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  2. while i do understand that there are more pressing matters keeping devs busy, i would like to note the annoyance i feel. i'm currently on the 2nd gen2 shortbow achievement list and so far i've come across two road blocks. the first is the nuhoch outpost event chain in tangled depths, where the "protect the newly hatched beetle larve" progress bar gets stuck and prevents the chain from progressing. the second is the ordinance corps chain where beigarth gets bugged and won't accept airship salvage, again preventing the progression of the event.

    it just feels lame af to spend a good chunk of my day off trying to get into another map instance and hope that it'll all work out this time, only to get stuck behind bugged events all over again. it would be nice if we had a way to force a new instance, or maybe if the events themselves could just be fixed.

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  3. as i’m quickly running out of things to spend points on, here are some suggestions for new masteries in wvw.


    1: trick/trap mastery - adds duration and bonus effects to target painters and siege disablers, adds number of supply stolen with supply traps.

    2: vendor expansion - initial level unlocks a new vendor, consecutive levels open new tabs with options for lw currencies, boosters, weekly bl key, or whatever else.

    3: warclaw mastery II - new abilities like a 3rd stamina bar, an attack that doesn’t dismount you, max hp increase etc.

    4: access to new account-bound siege - mobile siege tower, charr car, landmine traps, hell maybe even a trojan horse type thing. 

    5: jade bot mastery - each level allows you to equip a higher tiered core while getting a (probably nerfed) vitality bonus.

    6: first aid kit - idk do something to make these worth picking up in the first place

    in conclusion, thanks for reading. praise joko

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  4. my original toon’s first birthday is coming up in a couple days, and i figured i’d share my thoughts on the game so far.


    1: the game as a whole is fun af. you can literally play however you want, and aren’t locked into any sort of grind or path unless you choose. and if you do choose to grind out stuff like masteries or legendaries, it’s actually fun. except druid runestones, those can get bent. 


    2: the game is beautiful, even on my old laptop with lower settings. there really isn’t a single map that i don’t like visually, and there are countless little areas and details that are stunning. the spots in the sand of cursed shore that look almost rainbow pearlescent, the fire rain in iron marches (or fireheart rise i’m bad and forget stuff), and let’s also mention the entirety of grothmar.


    3: all game modes are fun in their own ways. open world has endless events, adventures, activities, world bosses, metas, etc. instanced pve has a large amount of rich content with difficulties easy enough for beginners and hard enough for long time veterans. story mode is optional, but rewarding to play. it’s a really good story from start to finish. pvp is great practice for really learning your class and build. wvw is just stupidly fun, siege equipment and large scale battles are incredible.


    4: the customer service is unparalleled. on the rare occasions that i’ve had to submit a ticket or had any questions, it’s a matter of minutes or at the very latest a few hours before i hear back from a person that actually cares about solving my issue. anet has seriously the best customer service team i’ve ever experienced except for maybe chic fil a.


    5: the majority of players are great to play with. i can’t tell you how many random people i’ve grouped with for daily fractals, or tagged up with in wvw between relinks that are a delight to run with. not to mention player run websites like gw2efficiency, snowcrows, fastfarming, and THE WIKI HOLY CRAP. the game’s been out for 11 years and it’s still wildly populated by fun folks. i love it. except for LA map chat and the rp room in DR.. even mag team chat isn’t that bad. shame on yourselves.


    6: my complaints are very few. the only things that come close to bumming me out are the wait times between pvp matches, and not being able to put skins on my mech or mount my asura on the back of my charr friends.


    as a final note, i don’t think everyone really understands how absurd the lack of downtime is. i’ve played other games that go down for hours a week just for a server reset, and days on end for bugfixes. just had to throw that in.


    thanks to anet for making, maintaining, and expanding on such a great game. i’ve had a blast this past year playing, and am wildly excited for the years to come. cheers


    (forgot to mention the absence of a monthly subscription. all you have to buy is the expansions and lw, if you don’t feel like waiting.)

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  5. so killing two guards, solo ramming the gate open, and shredding the lord in a t1 tower only gives bronze medal level rewards.. if this is intended, could we get some details on what exactly is required for us to get gold tier? or are mag players automatically nerfed in terms of event participation to make it fair

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