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Posts posted by Flapjack.7231

  1. Hello, can we please get the legendary Quip and Hope sounds for the pistol attacks on Elementalist? The sounds were one of the main reasons for me to make these two legendaries and now I just dont get them. 😞 Please, please, please. 😞

  2. I do not like the Arcane Trait change on Elementalist. It removes quite a lot of fun from Fresh Air Elementalist since you cannot immobilize your targets with Arcane Blast anymore to line up some fun combos. I do not think, that the Leap Wave Thing can compensate for that tho. FeelsVerySadMan I am in deep sorrow for not being able to play my favorite build any longer .. not that it was good in the first place, but who cared about that - I wanted to have fun. 😞

    • Like 4
    • Confused 3
  3. The change for weaver is irrelevant.


    The weakness uptime is rarely a problem for fractals or raids, since in raids you mostly have weakness on the boss due to the spam of certain classes and in fractals you are crit capped by using the fractal potions anyway...


    The barrier trait is irrelevant, since it only proccs on a single ability for the power weaver dps rotation (pyro vortex) and the increase by having healing power...well...noone is using HP in endgame content - is this some open world change?


    This will not address the issue you actually wrote about.

    • Like 17
  4. Heyo,I attempted to do the different rifts with my skyscale, but sadly some of them seem bugged. For example the one starting at "Luminates Plant" does not have a rift at the end, making it impossible for me to get the achievement done. Does anyone know a go around to these bugs? I'd appreciate the help.. or a fix from anet! :D


  5. @Ysmir.4986 said:

    @Ysmir.4986 said:Considering how much the game will change, trying to anticipate the effects of the balance patch on the game mode and on the meta is frankly...

    ... idiotic.

    No it's not. How do you play this game for 8 years and not gain a very solid grasp on it will effect intra-class combat dynamic when something is added or removed?

    • Because we never had a patch on a scale where almost every single skill in the game is affected,
    • Hence, we have no feel for what the game will be when it comes out,
    • Changes only make sense in synergy with other changes - what is meta is decided by what else is viable at the moment, which can only be determined through testing and trial and error,
    • Hence, people are talking based on their expectations centered around their class and speculating on something they never even experienced. Which is next door to worthless.

    The CC thing is based on the philosophy that either a skill does damage or hard CC, which in my opinion, is healthier for the game. Rampage is a great trial run for that philosophy and worked marvelously. Reduced the kitten "one click insta win" effect and yet kept its relevant status as an elite skill.

    So frankly, I think you are in the hard minority here, concerning CC doing no damage.

    Agggreeed. Nothing to add. :)

  6. @Ghostof Luzifer.6159 said:

    @"hotte in space.2158" said:Its by far the most effective unfair unfun ability of whole PvP, better than any blocks or evades, and has even got very little to do with skillful playing. In conjunction with high mobility the perfect tool for map control. And this will be now the only thing that doesnt get nerfed hard? Hallelujah

    dont nerf stealth implement more reveal mechanics to skills. That is more fun in general, rewards people that can anticipate a thiefs attacks, punishes bad thiefs and rewards good thiefs.

    Somehow i agggreee. But then again: "anticipation" is nothing but guessing and therefor not really skillfull gameplay. It is like dodging steal - possible, but still just per guessing.

  7. Changing the distortion like that would be kinda logical. Same for the dodge while hard CC... and i think like 2 cap Illusion would be fine, but then again this would apply for pve aswell and possibly kill the spec there.

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