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Posts posted by cgx.8962

  1. 1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

    Stop being so defensive and take suggestions at their face values

    Can you please quote me where I have been defensive or whatever? I can't help how you are interpreting my replies. 


    I'm not sure why you are expecting me to change my stance on the gem store because a solution was given to me. I said thanks for the solution and have moved on now?

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

    Unfortunately, the monetization being as exploitative as in any other F2P game, there'll be a plethora of other purposefully invented problems rearing its hideous heads in a matter of seconds

    You've hit the nail on the head with your reply, ty 🙂

    2 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

    Also, if abusive developer behavior really goes against Your grain, never buy any Build "Templates", Build Storage, or Equipment Storage.

    I don't plan on it. I'm really hoping this doesn't cause a lot of issues later in the game. So far I have managed, but my bank capacity is not good. lol

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

    my impression is that you do not like any of the suggestions or am I wrong? 

    I will do what I have to do because I enjoy the game. I have given the "thanks emote" to the people that helped me.


    But no, I do not like gems, feathers, crystals, energy or any kind of currency packs in F2P games - they are there for a reason (to get you to spend more than what just need). I want to buy things with 1 transaction with real money.


    Especially since I would prefer to play the story in order. It seems I have to buy the 4000 gems and then convert the gold scraping by with to buy the rest. If this feels great to you, that's awesome, but it doesn't feel great to me. I think that is okay, I will get over it.


    Moving on people, thanks for discussing this with me. Happy New Years.



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  4. 16 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

    but apparently you are not receptive of them. Hence arguments instead of resolving the issue.

    I've made it pretty clear I understand the solutions given to me. And the only person I was argumentive with was the person suggesting I am not playing right by wanting to continue the story. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Op has left their feedback and we have left viable solutions. It’s their call what they do next with that information.

    I'm not disregarding anyone's solution btw. I understand.


    But I'm not going to change my feedback on story content being *mostly* sold by gems only.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    But they dont have enough gold after playing 7 days and for some reason cant start season 2, hot, season 3 pof season 4 and 95% off ibs before being able to buy the last episode of ibs.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this - apologies. Should I have enough gold after spending 7 days playing to buy a season? I've only got around 15 gold right now spent about 2 gold buying gear. That's it really, haven't bought anything else.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    The gemstore is set up so you can pay less since you can offset some of the real money cost or all of it with in game currency and can do it per episode in small chunks. Living story provides months and years of gameplay, so even if it was full price, it’s worth it.

    Alternatively, you could ask support for advice. They will be able to advise the best way to purchase a complete package for your account.

    The purchasing of seasons has always been poorly communicated for those who didn’t get it free. I’m not sure what’s available to buy these days, but if a complete steam package doesn’t exist, that should be rectified.

    To purchase with gems which comes in packs of 800, 1600, 2800, 4000, 8000 and buy them that way.

    To buy them all you need 4160 gems. I cannot purchase 4160 gems, I have to buy an additional 800. Which is what bothers me. 

    I don't like that kind of practice. I feel there should be an option to buy story content for money not just gems. As of right now you can only do that with LWS2 which is $16 cash or $20 with a gem pack.

    I understand that all F2P games do this and I'm sure I will use those extra gems... I know it's not a lot of money but I just don't want to support that kind of practice.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Pretty sure your friends lied to you.

    I don't think anyone intentionally lied to me about that I don't understand what they would gain. But I appreciate you clearing it up.


    6 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    If you just started playing a week ago, you shouldn't be done with Personal Story already. You should be exploring maps, doing dungeons, and learning about the game. Worrying about content from years after release when you've only been playing the game a week seems a bit  like complaining that you bought a whole bunch of groceries to last you a month and then ate them all in a few days.


    The story will also get too hard for your skill level probably after a few chapters of LWS1.

    Um, I'm gonna do and play the game how I enjoy. There's no "should, or shouldn't do" here, I enjoy following the main storyline the most at first and I've learned a abit about the world that way - I also played GW1 back in the day and I'm also not new to MMOs. I have full exotic gear from the trading post that I bought with a very low amount of gold and have no issue running the story content, I also have a friend I play with.


    Nice try though! appreciate the thought. But there's no wrong or right here. lol.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    Well, it isn't ALL the seasons but, The GW2 Sales Page does appear to have the option to buy Living World Season 2 Complete for cash.

    Yep! ty for the reply. This is what I was hoping for but as a bundle. I didn't just want S2 for money, it requires me to dip into their gem system for the rest of them. I do not mind them having a gem store, but requiring me to use it for important story content like this is what is bothering me a bit.


    Especially when you can see a bundle on steam for $40 😕


    4 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I think you are missing this important statement (from your link): *The Living World DLC (Seasons 2-5) is non-refundable and cannot be purchased on Steam separately.

    I am being told by a steam player the expansions are discounted in price if you have them and purchase the collection. The collection remains purchasable just not the DLC content as a complete separate package. They bought the HoT, PoF... The collection was discounted to only show EoD and living world price.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I can find no place to buy just the Living World Season on Steam.  https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284210/Guild_Wars_2/

    Can you provide a link?


    If you've just purchased some expansions (within 30 days), you can ask for a refund and then purchase the Complete Collection.  (Also, purchasing Gems is not more expensive than using 'cash' to purchase items from either the site or in-game.)  There are very few things you can buy for the game without using Gems (Expansion/Collections and a few items like Boosters or select Miniatures and Gathering Tools, etc.) which cost the same in-store or out (unless the Gem Store is having a discounted sale). 

    Sure thanks for sticking to topic 🙂



    If you look under items included in this bundle it shows living world for $40. The expansions would be discounted to $0 if you had already bought them and they wouldn't make you buy them again. It would just show $40. This is how most DLC works on steam if it is included in a collection. Hope this makes sense.

    • Like 2
  11. I appreciate the help but gems are not cash, and buying all but one season for $40 doesn't equal the entire living world collection for $40 like steam offers. 


    It's more expensive.


    So no, I do not want to buy gems for this content. I want to buy a package on the regular store for money not gems. Not sure why this is hard to understand? 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

    Seems a bit soon to be worrying about buying LS2 then? Anyone here at launch couldn't visit Dry Top for two years 🙂

    I appreciate the reply but it's not launch anymore and this has nothing to do with wanting to buy the Living World package like steam offers for money instead of gems. 

    • Like 6
  13. 2 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

    You can exchange game gold for gems. If you don't have enough gold to fund a whole living world season, you can least use it to get any "odd" number of gems so you don't have any left over. Having said that, there are many quality of life purchases you can make from the gem store, so your gems will never go to waste (bank tabs, shared inventory slots, unbreakable tools, mount skins etc etc)

    I like that you can do gold exchange and such. But I just started playing a week ago. I don't have that type of gold yet. 


    I'm sure there is great stuff in the gem store I could use. I don't want to buy gems for story content... 


    Why don't they have the living World package on their store for money like steam? Feels bad. 😕

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  14. Hello, newer player here. I recently finished my personal storyline and got into LWS1. I started researching into the story what I need to focus on. And I found basically the story is all out of order unless I buy the seasons. I understand that this game has no monthly sub and they need to make their money. I have no issue with that. 


    I just have issues with the gem store. I don't like purchasing gems to get important content like that. Gem stores are set up to make you pay more and you'll always have left over gems or not enough... Like if you get 1000 the story costs 1100 and they only come in packages of 1000. (This is an example.)


    I don't like that. Please put a regular package on the GW2 store that has all the LW season story content so you can buy it with money not gems.


    If I would have known the living World Seasons were part of the main story and needed to fully experience the story of the expansions I wouldn't have bought the first 2 expansions. I would have bought the entire collection. I was told apparently on the steam version (I am not) they can buy the Living World Seasons as a collection without gems for only $40 if they own the expansions  ...using gems to buy it without steam costs way more because because them gem packages are more expensive. What's up with that? (EDIT: I WAS MISINFORMED ON THE STEAM VERSION, SO THIS IS NOT CORRECT)

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  15. Hey just got the game. I have only played to level 49, on Gate of Madness realm. I have unlocked a couple of dungeons for the story it seems? I don't understand how these work. I check LFG about every hour and no one is ever recruiting for these. Is this dead content? Not really sure it I am using this correctly. 


    I also got to Lions Rest and definitely felt overwhelmed with all of the portals. I started going through some of them. Taking me to The Grove and The Asura city. There are some portals that seem to take me to a giant contested pvp map with objectives but there is no one else there.....? 


    I also tried the toy extravaganza thing for wintersday. No one there. 


    What am I doing wrong? is this just a bunch of dead content? How am I going to enjoy/play these parts of the game if no one is even playing them? Thankfully I only spent the $15 for the two expansions. I'm having fun with the open world, but I would love to see what else the game has to offer. Unlocking hearts and completing maps can be repetitive. Any help would be awesome, I don't have any contacts or friends in-game. 

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