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Posts posted by Budy.9804

  1. 5 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

    1) i think we got 2 decorations with EoD 1 craftable giant stone statue head and 1 purchaseable jade bot switcherro. but yea basically nothing. 😄 i've finally given up on anet doing anything major to fix scribbing or adding our eod 10-30ish cantha decs we never got like with other xpacs. i've moved on. i'll give my monies to other places instead.

    2) i realize the only way to get something from anet is to ask for it in the gemstore (garden plots), but really don't be like wow with things you should have gotten with the xpac itself but instead screw us over more and make us pay for it again thru mircotransactions. /faceplam


    3) is what they should have done with the cantha xpac/ overhaul scribbing system - make a housing system... maybe next xpac???? yea prolly not 😞

    those recipes could be collected from old maps(bring life to older maps), but i think that's something old anet didn't like to do. These recipes could vary from common to rare drops and sold on tp so those who could care less about decorating could also profit from it. You have to mix it into th e whole system so it's not just one thing. IT is obviously endgame content. I wuish there was an achievement for speending 100 hours in the guild hall (not afk) but decorating or moving around (pvp arena) i bet there isn't a way to track that currently if they were to make it and everyone that's spent years already in their halls would immedately get it and a cool item/clothing weapon skins like from raids 😄

    i currently get nothing, other then joy for spending hours in the guild hall instead of farming gold 😞 and then we get rewarded with basically no new cantha decorations. just wonderful anet....

    In My opinion, they should add the possibility to expand the actual Guildhalls up to new Areas in the SAME Map. Im into the PoF GH, where could be for example some Dunes hides old buildings under the Sand, so you could place again more pieces. i see, if Anet says too many items cost way too much server energy or what ever, so i allrdy mention it to pay for this or other upgrades, im totally fine with!


    i really like the idea of you Kelly to bring back more life into old maps. So; unlock new deco. recipes could be for example Achievments, or doing specefic old vanilla map events, or also worldbosses, or DUNGEONS ( wich are nearly totally Dead content ). getting this recipes unlocked could contains mabe too claim different content pieces to finish the Achievment or collection...


    but i didnt gave up hope yet! after 10 years we got a SAB World 3-1 so i STILL BELIVE IN GUILDHALLS! ❤️ or in other words, like Phillip J. Fry once said: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! ❤️

  2. Hey everyone,

    i Love the Guildhall decoration System very much! there are so many ways to be creative, to build insane stuff.

    We have got allready a lot of cool decoration pieces, but there are SOOO many awesome objects around the wunderful World of Gw2, i really want to ask for more! 😄

    For example the Pictures and Paintings, small details in the Open Worlds like some kegs, flowers or buildings - decoration.


    Many ppl. who enjoy decorations much as i do, was very dissapointed, as EoD was released and we got not a single Cantha deco indeed ;(


    I am very happy about the few new deco pieces in each recomming Festival, but there are soo many possibilitys more! 😄 like the SAB waterfalls, flowers, different rocks, Buffs, Springs, lanterns etc.

    but also  the Big Gate in front of the Entrance, after you entered the SAB i could get use this to build for example a Catedral. or what about the SAB sign?:D


    so how could this work ingame?

    this could be a Guildhall upgrade, wich includes:


    1.  a free Upgrade wich  increese the max. decoration placements (2000 atm) up to 2500 (or higher)
    2.  a Upgrade item in the Gemstore, wich adds tons of new deco special Repices [like the HUGE Soo-Won Jade statue in new kaineng]  ( construction pieces like walls and roads, interactive objects etc) but also allows to get NPCs placed, wich could be Animals for example (mabe just ~25x total)  [but also "toys" - i allways hear ppl who say "okay this is nice to see but i cant do here anything " and i guess thats why its so unpopular ]
    3.  a free Upgrade with general recipes to discover or to unlock, wich contains many Openworld "decos objects ", but also HoT stuff, PoF & IBS, all LW, and Cantha ofc, wich are objects that allready exist - new items are allways nice but what i mean is get items into the GH that allrdy are there, just make it as a decoration ^-^ )


    i suggest decorate a GH is Endgame Content, so its not nessesary for the usual game, thats why some "not beneficial" objects x recipes x skins for the GH to buy in Gemstore could be a very good way.



    Please think about this, according to we dont have a Housing System in gw2, many deco enjoyer and my self would be much pleased about the option to craft new stuff and build fantastic guildhalls!




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  3. @ArenaNet Team.4819 when does this skin come back? Tropical Feathered Cape (package)( [&AgENgAEA] ) its been since 19. July 2022 ... and just 1x in shop yet. Considdering to gemstore schedule its not coming back into shop for the WHOLE YEAR 2023 ?!  arenanet i want to spend my Money for skins but i cant !!


    Hell yeah!! ty Arenanet for bring this skin back to shop!!!! <33333 ( 06.03.2013 )

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