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eClip.3962's Achievements

  1. Thanks, I was busy today and didnt log in. I'll accept the invitation tomorrow. Cya!
  2. Hey there. I used to play GW2 back in 2016, I have an Elementalist 80 and Im probably going to play Tempest Healer and maybe a DPS spec down the line, but I prefer to focus on healing at the start. My intention is to do group content and work on getting better. Logged back in the other day to do the Heart of Thorns storyline/expansion but seems I've forgotten everything and need a guild to show me the ropes because I get one shotted by rats of all things 🙂 and its not a lot of fun. Not sure if server is important in GW2, Im on Desolation. If you're still recruiting, I'd love to join. Cheers Clip
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