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Posts posted by Ajaxx.3157

  1. @anduriell.6280 said:

    I’ve seen Ajaxx whining on stream because he got hit by a bird F2 for 3.5k, once every 30s to a total of 7k in one minute. And in his mind those two F2 with 4 attacks were OP. Any warrior does autoattacks which deal more damage than those 3.5k every 30s.

    Yeah he's such a little QQ monkey.

  2. @"Axl.8924" said:Hmm at least its visible dmg i mean i heard someone say that at least warriors dmg is visible compared to stealth deadeye kills , and they are right and that seems to be some form of rifle which should be able to be blocked, so i am going to take back my comments on dmg as long as its with rifle if only because of magnetic aura from eles.

    Thinking of it more though the dmg does seem kinda nuts from rifle, even if its visible that almost 40k strike from a 1 shot is kinda stupid being able to almost 1 shot anyone.

    Hello friend. I did some testing for you with a nice warrior rifle build. I used the SUPER over powered trait you are talking about.

    This is my results...


    I see NOTHING WRONG... :)


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