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Posts posted by eko.7815

  1. Hello All

    Last night i was playing some ranked matches just fine with my DeadEYE theif i won about 8 matches and lost 2. Then all of a sudden i am unable to enter in to Queue for RANKED matches and UN-RANKED matches . When i click the buttons to go in matchmaking queue nothing happens. I tried to join with someone in a party and tell them to start the queue the samething happens to them but when they leave they party they are able to do a solo queue. I cant even do any solo queue. Funny thing is this i was in the fractal of the mist with some random players and was able to start a pvp queue but i cant start any solo queue? I have no idea what can be the cause of this. I haven't abandon any game so its not dishonor and please my level is 37 thats why im able to play ranked matches. Can arena net look in to this ?? it seems like this issue is my account and i really cant do anything but ask on here, or has any one encountered this issue before? any help would greatly be appreciatedthanks

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