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Posts posted by Rick.6041

  1. Hi there, The Lords of Dragon Heart are ready and willing to have you. We're 480+ strong and take pride in still having a friendly, family atmosphere. (here's where i need you to bear with me) We are a 100% rep guild, but we do have exceptions to that. We have a rank specifically for those who need to rep wvw guilds, and Raid guilds while in those specific areas. We also allow for accessing personal storage guilds. If this may work for you, please message me in game and we can chat about it. Thanks in advance, for taking the time to read through.

  2. Who we are:

    Our guild name is " The Lords Of Dragon Heart [RLR] ". We are a GW1 Legacy guild and have been active for over 12 years. We are currently on the “Blackgate” server and we are always looking for friendly players who enjoy participating in group activities. If you prefer to explore the world on your own that’s fine, but we ask that you be active and sociable in guild chat and/or on TeamSpeak. We are largely US/Canadian though we have many international players among us.

    Our Mission:

    RLR’s mission is to provide a fun, active ,tolerant and supportive community for people from all walks of life, a place where your religious, political and personal views will be respected even if others don’t necessarily share those beliefs. We want RLR to be a fun active community where you feel comfortable being you, a place where you can share your thoughts and ideas and know they are appreciated. In short we want you to think of RLR members as family and RLR the guild as your home. We want [RLR] to be an environment where people can play together and enjoy anything the game has to offer. We want this to be a place where people share their knowledge and experience with each other. People help each other out here, be it just with playing through the game for the first time, or learning and playing through advanced content. We are more interested in people’s ability to get along and work with their guildies than their immediate level of experience.

    Looking for new members:

    With the above in mind as our focus and mission, we are always looking for players that feel this kind of guild is right for them.

    Our requirements:

    1.) That you act and treat others respectfully. There is no age requirement at the moment. It’s not about age but how you conduct yourself in game.

    We don't require TeamSpeak outside of Guild activities but we strongly encourage its use since we feel that it helps people get to know one another. TeamSpeak is a free voice chat program and if you need help there are willing admins who are able to help you get setup on it.

    3.) That once you have joined us, you get registered on TeamSpeak and our forums to better facilitate communication. Don’t be shy now, come join us!

    4.) That you be willing to contribute to and maintain a fun and respectful gaming environment. You must be willing to give players (guildies, allies and pugs) the same level of respect you want and deserve at all times.

    5.) That you be on the “Blackgate” server. ( Currently waived due to mega servers ) It’s fine if you aren’t on it immediately, as long as you switch over as soon as possible.


    You can apply by either pming the answers to the following questions to:

    •Me (Rick.6041# # ) here on the forums.•In game to any of the officers listed at the end of this post.•By applying on our site. (link at the bottom of the page)

    1. What is your in game name/username? (for username please include the 4 digit number)

    2. By what name do you want your guildies to call you? (in game and on TeamSpeak)

    3. What is your Time Zone?

    4. Do you meet with and agree to everything in the requirements section of our recruitment post?

    5. Do you have any questions regarding the guild?—————————————————————————————————————


    In Game: Rick.6041, Chrys.3018, tvnasty.7836, Quickshot Jack.2903.

    Our website: http://thelordsofdragonheart.guildlaunch.com/

    Thank you.

  3. I checked my mail 3 times before I made this post and couldn't find it. I made this post and sent in a ticket(not in that order), then checked my mail daily for a response and heard nothing about it. I check through my mail one more time and lo and behold, there it was, hidden in my mail on the day I did the heart. I swear to God I'm getting too old and senile. :/

  4. Has anyone else, had an Issue with not receiving "The Missive for Ebele" after completing the heart and buying the Skimmer saddle? I've redone that heart several times, hoping it would trigger the mail and no luck. I turned in a ticket a few days ago about it, but no answer yet. Just curious to know if I'm the only one.

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