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Posts posted by Silencio.2604

  1. Not only can you not skip it you are forced to read it on screen. Please let us turn off speech bubbles. Such a beautiful world and you ruin it with something so cheap looking, it kills immersion. Sure it might be hard sometimes to tell who is talking but at least give me that option. You can turn them off for other players, but not for npcs and you yourself.

  2. I hope if it's ever made it will have a better targeting system. They do so many things right in this game but the targeting system isn't one of them. As someone who prefers ranged classes, the game would be so much more fun if they would just let me aim instead of selecting targets. Maybe even hit people in certain parts of the body, like full on aiming, man.. nvm gw3 add it in 2 please if you read this :D And no more dragons pls..

  3. I'm stuck in the destroy the 3 death-branded luietenants part. I managed to kill 1 of the 3 lieutenants, no idea how I got him to get out of his bubble. I've been inside one of the other 2 his bubbles killing all the enemies that spawn around it for 10+ minutes, nothing happens, and killing enemies while outside of it for about same, nothing happens either. Now Rytlock is stuck on his mount running back and forth into a pillar. And still can't get the other 2 lieutenants down, can't even enter the bubble anymore, I get knocked back unlike before. And I have no idea how to exit so I can restart.. this is my first living world story episode apart from one freebie of season 2.edit: of course right after I post this I get Rytlock unstuck, I revived some refugees and he started following me again.

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  4. As a player who bought the base game back when it was released and didn't buy expansions yet I complained about not being able to keep up in Orr for example, but this was only the case if the commander was chasing the champions, other events are fine. I leveled up 2 chars to 80 past weeks and didn't see people on mounts killing mobs.

    Now that I bought the expansions and finished the PoF story I must say I'm impressed. I like the mounts, no more getting annoying by mobs when you are going somewhere. And PoF is pretty awesome, it's not just mounts. I think the maps are great, and the story/boss fights, elite specs, etc. I'm one of those players who doesn't like to get lost, get frustrated when I have a hard time finding where to go, PoF maps don't have that problem, even with the heights.

    Free players don't have much to complain about, they could however add a basic slower mount, and they probably will they added some free glider right?

    Also if they ever release GW3 I think it's better to start off with monthly subscription till it goes free to play.

  5. Come on, just fix this already. Why does it have to be constant popup that repeats after fucking 5 seconds when you click X to close it. Stop treating your players like they are idiots please.. you only need to tell us once.And yes I know you can get rid of it by doing the story missions, but I'm still doing core game story mission now with this char.It's extremely annoying and mostly unnecessary.

    edit: It's mostly when you exit combat, the pop up returns every time.

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