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Posts posted by NIGHTHUNTER.5139

  1. now I'm glad that I did Inner Nayos (Part I) map completion on three chars only instead of 6 like I first planned... I was pretty sure to get the first reward by completing the other half of the map and now I not only had to find all the lanterns on the first part of the map, but do the map completion on the second half too, plus lighting the lanterns... did you really planned it like that or was it a bug you couldn't fix in time and then decided to leave it like this? 

    Well... nontheless, I finished my first part of the armor now and it's not THAT much effort, to do it 5 more times, but I feel sorry for those that spent that much time on completing the first part that often and get nothing.

  2. Well, on first glance it seems a bit unfair to those who have crafted 6 or 7 legendary runes already and now only one is needed to get the legendary relic for free... on the other hand... if you have 6 legy runes already, you are most likely happy that you did craft them while the prices where still kind of reasonable. Getting 6 legendary runes now is way more expensive thanks to the skyrocketing costs of the charms. So those of us that don't need the charms any more could sell them for profit. 

    That the legendary relic only contains the already existing effects (and those few that are still coming with soto) is a little bummer, but I don't think that unlocking the new relics with the next expansion will take that much effort. Though it would be nice to have them unlocked right away, it's also nice to have new goals other than maxing out new masteries. 

    • Like 2
  3. I have the same issue. I first thought that I might have clicked on my daily chest without thinking about it, but I was quite sure that I didn't... then, on my second account, something similar happened. I completed 4 of 5 achievements, opened the daily chest and only got 20AA for it instead of the 30AA (as it says in the tooltip). On a third account, I could replicate the issue again and also have some screenshots, if needed. I just don't get it, how such a simple thing as changing a tooltip can cause server disconnects, client crashes and now this... 

    Oh, and of course... after Anet disabled the wizard's vault yesterday, we were told, that we can still finish our dailies (if we know which dailies we had to do, because you were not able to look them up), and that we can claim the rewards after anet enables the feature again. Well... today I logged in and of course didn't receive anything. That might also be the cause for the initial issue that I now can't claim my daily chest... I think it's worth a try to have a  closer look on this.

    But just to make sure, daily reward is now lowered to 20AA, but the tooltip still says 30? Or should it be 30 (instead of the 35 you got before), but the tooltip says 20, because if it says 30, the game will crash again? Pls, fix this spagetti code ^^

    • Confused 1
  4. 21 hours ago, Graceful Mantra.4691 said:

    I noticed it didnt seem to affect my level 80s but anything lower for some reason it just refused to equip anything i didnt start with before Weaponmaster.


    Definitely hope it isnt widespread 

    If your character is not lvl 80, he has no access to specialisations and I think therefore you also don't have access to the weaponmaster feature. I don't know if that is intended, but it's likely to be the reason for your issue.

    • Like 1
  5. On 11/2/2023 at 3:19 PM, Taclism.2406 said:

    Economics aside, if you truely want one, just ask your local artists / 3d modelers what are their fees for that sort of commission, they'll deliver way faster - and possibly at a cheaper price depending on where you live.

    considering you'd have to pay them for their working time, this won't be cheap either. Even if you consider that the finalized model does lack some details, it would take several hours for an experienced artist to finalize a model that is printable. When I create models for my company, it usually takes me several hours or even days to build it, depending on it's complexity. A character statue would even take longer to create if you want it to look good and somehow accurate. If you can't do it yourself, you'd have to pay a LOT for it. Such things only get cheaper if you can either customize them easily or if you mass produce them to split the engineering costs on the final products.  A truly "unique" figurine  will never be cheap.

  6. I like the idea of having a statue of my character 3d-printed and I found some files on thingiverse that are created with some ingame screenshots and a 3d-scanning software. You snapshot your character from different angles at a location with a pretty clean background (you could do it in a guildhall and build a "3D-Photo-Studio" with some of the decoration elements for example). Then you use the 3d-scanning software to render a model (stl) of your character. Then you have to clean up that model with some 3d-modelling software (123cad, fusion360...) and repair some of the parts that where scanned incorrectly because of the character movements while taking the screenshots. All in all, this will take a few days ^^ 

    Since every character looks slightly different, you would have to make a new .stl file every time, then slice it and finally print it. I just checked the model "GW2 Caithe Sylvari" on thingiverse and it would take 12 hours to print. That's a lot for a statue only 16cm in height. When I scale it up to 26cm (the height of the Rytlock statue from the collector's edition), the printing takes 28 hours. And you will have to remove a lot of support without breaking the statue... I could not do this for under 100€, considering energy costs, material costs (ok, this is the least expensive thing here) and all the hours of work to finally have a model to print. 

    But how can Anet sell these statuettes of Rytlock and Peitha for a quite reasonable price? Well... first they are not 3d-printed but casted and second they are produced in a rather large quantity (compared to a single character statue) . Making a casting form is very expensive, so the production of casted models gets cheaper the more statuettes you sell. Problem here is that every character looks different. So casting is not an option. And 3D-printing services would not be allowed to make profit with these models unless Anet cooperates with them. So I don't see a chance for us to get character statuettes in the shop yet. 

    • Like 1
  7. It looks like when Anet decided which things we should do for daily rewards, they looked into their logs and searched for the things that are usually avoided by the majority of players. On one hand that looks like a nice idea to make content that is less likely to be seen by many people more popular. On the other hand, this method doesn't see WHY people avoid this content. I bet crab toss was bugged for a much longer time, but nobody realized it because NO ONE played it. The Valdhertz Crypts Minidungeon is another example. Not many players have seen in, because it is locked behind a (very easy) achievement. I like all those JP's and that you have to go to places that you otherwise would have probably missed, but if you just want to do a quick daily, this is absolutely annoying.  

    • Confused 1
  8. I'm totally fine with this change. I love my skyscale and use it most of the time anyways. If new people are able to get to the same level as veterans pretty fast, you can play with them much faster. When EoD came out, our guild had a lot of new members, that were excited of the game. They wanted to join us in raids and strikes and then realized that they cannot easily participate, because they lack masteries, mounts, and so on... It's really annoying for new players if they just want to play with the others and have to play other expansions first to get the content they need... If skyscale is such an important mount in SotO, then it's the right decision to make it accessible for every player. The fact that veterans who already have the skyscale get additional benefits from the new masteries is such a smart move from anet. 

    And the other mounts are still useable, because they have their own special niche in the game. A skyscale won't match the speed of a rollerbeetle or a  griffon. It will never be able to reach higher ground faster than a springer.  I won't be able to use sandportals or swim underwater. Every mount has his own purpose so I don't think any of them will be useless with the expansion. 

    • Like 2
  9. I wanted those legendary runes for the QOL they offer. Taking this QOL feature away and replacing it with this relic system is somehow unpleasing. IDC about the costs of the dozens of relics to craft to make my characters playable again. As some already stated out, if you have 6 or even 7 legendary runes, you just don't care that much about spending some more gold. But the loss of this QOL (the reason why we built the runes) is not easily compensated by giving away some free relic vouchers or giving back the materials we spent on the then unusable legendary rune.

    Please just give us an option to change one legendary rune into a legendary relic and give all the other players an option to craft one at an acceptable price.

    • Thanks 6
  10. I also experienced this issue... When I log in my first character, my loading screen lasts like 4-5 seconds, when I change characters they get longer and longer, 10, 15, 30, 60 seconds and after a few loading screens my game doesn't load textures and part of my UI is missing. It happens on my PC and on my Laptop as well, so I don't think it is a hardware issue.

    I have deleted the gw2cache, which made the problem dissapear for a short time, but now it's permanent. 

    Also, many people in my guild have the same issue. 

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