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Posts posted by Seductive.5741

  1. @"Cyninja.2954" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WorldDzagonur (DE) Full + Gunnar's Hold Medium

    The server is completely overstacked atm. When you field a 30-40 mann squad with 5-15 randoms at 10 in the morning while other servers barely have 30 people on all maps together, that's population advantage. Now add in the winners advantage of people on losing sides logging off, and you multiply the advantage even more.

    Oh u mean the Commander that does the exact same shift every day 10-12 for the last 5 years ? What a shocker that the ppl come online during that time period .

  2. @enkidu.5937 said:

    @"SlateSloan.3654" said:well in spvp people get 6 month gamemode lock when manipulating matches. since these wvw guilds didnt do it for the first time and knew what was to happen did it on purpose, anet could view it as match manipulation and lock wvw for them at least until the next relink - max for even 6 month. if it can be enforced in spvp it shall be in wvw as it does not only harm dzagonur but all wvw community as the matchups get majorly unequal now.. . . and since we all know how relentlessly Anet cares about (organized) exploiting, its gonna happen soooooon ;)

  3. Desolation , Gandara, Seafarer's Rest are all Full / T1 and still got a link , yet Kodash stuck in T5 and full doesnt get a link , while the other full german server who was stuck in T5 gets a link . Where is the logic in that ?Sounds like Anet is still mad about Kodash striking and forcefully opening the server back in the day .

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