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King Slayer.9671

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  1. Thank you very much for your help. I will just play whatever I like. I’ll also look into untamed! Thanks!! 😃
  2. Hello everyone, My first character is a soulbeast and he is 80 now. I like to PvP a lot and my go to character is weaver. But the problem is I was thinking I finish the first story plus living world season 1 and 2 and then continue with the story on my weaver. But the weaver must be lvl 80 correct? Also I need to start all over? How do you guys do? Do you have your main and play on other characters? I feel that soulbeast is too easy for me I like the complexity with weaver. any tips is much appreciated.
  3. King Slayer.9671


    Hello everyone, I want to be really good with Mirage in PvP ranked. What builds do you recommend?
  4. this is a very nooby question. But let's say I make a Guardian. And I play as a heal firebrand, can i switch whenever i want to lets say a dragonhunter?
  5. thank you for the advice, i'm just afraid that if i play lets say heal alach mech that raid groups and fractals group don't want me in?
  6. Hello guys, I really want to make a new character, i want to play as a healer. What should i chose? I want my healer to be able also to solo a bit.
  7. Hello everyone, I just got a ring from PvP that was ascended but the stats it has doesn't really fit into my soulbeast ranger. What is the best thing to do with the ring? Salvage it, mystic forge it or keep it ?
  8. many people have been saying this.. I have a ranger but I will take a look into renegade for sure!!
  9. many people have been saying this.. I have a ranger but I will take a look into renegade for sure!!
  10. i wish i liked melee type of play as berserker looks really nice!!
  11. why not XD i see alot of guardians in PvP You really make me interested in Ele, I think also that Ele is one of the coolest looking classes and the build diversity makes it alot more intriguing! Yes... I've read this alot in this forum that Mesmer needs an overall buff. However I played as a Condition chronomancer bunker in PvP and it slaps really hard lol.. Definetly harder than my Mirage....
  12. Hello everyone! I really enjoy the PvP scene and would like to know what you guys like to play and why. Currently I'm a chaos staff mirage, I know it's not the best but it's really fun to make people confused in game XD
  13. Thank you for a helpful advice. I'll keep my ranger going in the pvp and hopefully get really good at it 🙂
  14. Hello guys I really need help choosing a PvP character. I like DPS/Roamer type of play what should I play? I want something that has a high mobility and that would be topping the DPS charts.. I am currently playing as a power soulbeast ranger but I feel that as soon as someone gets close to me it's over :(.. Thank you for all the help!
  15. Hi everyone, I love PVP and I tried PVP with my power soulbeast ranger. It went as bad as it can get.... There was one class that kept on mauling me, he had like a whirlwind type of ability and was very very tanky. Unfortunately, I could'nt see if he was a warrior or a spellbreaker.. so: I would like to know the best PVP profession. Gameplay I like: Pure DPS with high mobility or insanely tanky with good CC + damage. I don't like to support. Thankful for your help ! 🙂
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