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Waterisrealywet.6408's Achievements

  1. I just got back into gw2 after I'd say like 6 years? I stopped playing Lost ark due to the fact their PVP was literally horse dog water poopoo (max rank was Plat there) & come to here my Max rank was plat also till I gained +9 LP and LOST -39. I gotta say the PVP skill set have gone beneath the ground. Yes, everyone just spams skills 0 proper rotation, bash their heads on the keyboard (chronomancers) and get unlimited boons, massive vulniberality and somehow everyone got massive movement speed?? The 2 classes I played was thief/necro. That's how I hit plat back then, 52% was thief, 38% was necro most played. Thief required skill to play, the back damage was superb, the movement is why that class was GOOD. Now? Necro and Thief nerfed beneath the gutter hole, every other class has massive boons, vul, cc, movement speed like what is the sole purpose? If you're gonna make every class OP besides like maybe 5-6 why not make it all OP?? That's why MW2 was good, everything was OP there was never imbalance. I'm currently gold now, thief sucks, necro can't hold down a point 1 v 2 at all I'm forced to play spell breaker (which I don't want to so I quit pvp). But man, has this games PVP gone so shtty man. Disappointing because I use to love this games PVP. OH now you also got bots and afkers ??? Like when did this game BECAME lost ark.. WHEN?! They need to remove the Ascension/loot boxes from the PVP ranked to nonranked or WvW because I promise you this is stupid. Ranked is meta vs meta, non ranked is more funner than Ranked and its sad.
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