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Posts posted by Lightseeker.7839

  1. On 12/7/2023 at 1:21 AM, Panda.1967 said:

    Guardian longbow isn’t the best for actual damage, but it does have a lot of utility and survivability built in. What it lacks in power though it makes up for in support.

    They have buffed Dragonhunter's longbow and it's actually a great pick if you are running a Dragonhunter. Good damage, has nice cleaving capability, most of the skills pierces through foes. It still have a supportive side, yes. Vigor granting symbol, and a rain of arrow that creates fence around foes affected, effectively locking weaker foes inside for a while. The downsides? I feel like their shots are way slower than ranger's but still faster than warrior's. And some skills can be easily interrupted if you move or use another higher priority skills (True for rangers as well).

    If you have a spare character slot, I do recommend to try each longbows. Create a new character and go to PvP lobby, there you should be able to have every specs unlocked allowing you to have a feel on each longbows. But be wary as skills in PvP might have different cooldowns and power compared to their PvE counterpart.


  2. Hi, I'm not really a Willbender expert, but the thing for me to do to keep Lethal Tempo up, is to insert F2 or F3 virtues. It might not be the part of the rotation, but I'd say it still useful to use, you can use F2 to dodge attacks and heal yourself, and F3 to keep Aegis up for Unscathed Contender, assuming you're running Power Willbender.

  3. Yes, Whirling Wrath will push back foes sometimes, but just by a small amount. You can see how big an enemy hit box whenever you're targeting them. You'll see a circle underneath them. That circle is their hit box. So as long you're in that circle, you're good.

  4. On 7/31/2023 at 5:57 PM, Dark Viper.2378 said:

    Ok so, I am really confused with a couple of stuff and there is no guide that is giving a straight answer, I know I have 3 virtues, but guardian has other passives that I just dont understand, can someone please give me details about those passives


    (side question if u want to help, what website do u guys use for meta builds, im going Greatsword and sword/shield but i feel like thats not optimal, maybe something ranged for secondary weapon with greatsword?)

    Okay, for willbenders, they don't have passives anymore. Instead, whenever you use your virtue it grant you a buff which works like ordinary guardian passives. So for example, your Rushing Justice (F1) after you activated the virtue, now your hits will burn foes after certain amount of hits (5 times), other virtues will also have their effect triggered by amount of hits you do. Flowing Resolve (F2) Will heal you when you hit for certain amount of hits. Crashing Courage (F3) will grant you aegis and stability when you hit foes for certain amount of hits. And this will work really well against multiple foes.

    If you're asking about normal virtues passives guardians have. Justice (F1), your attack will burn foes after certain amount of hits. Resolve (F2), you will regenerate health. Courage (F3), you will periodically gain Aegis. Whenever you activated your virtue, you will lose your passive effect until it fully recharges (This is also true for signets).

    As for meta builds, you can check metabattle.com they have lots of builds for many game modes. Or snowcrows.com for exclusively for raids, I believe there are more sites, but these are the ones I know.

    Also for willbenders, meta weapon set would be greatsword and sword/focus for power, and if you're condi, sword/torch  and scepter (You can leave the offhand empty for your scepter slot).

  5. For me, since I play with 300 ping, Dragonhunter felt much smoother to play than Willbender. High ping made willbender abilities felt a bit clunky for me. And I personally had a lot of fun lining up foes for my longbow shots.

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  6. On 1/24/2023 at 3:14 PM, soulknight.9620 said:

    Im a simple guy, when i see a thief in there i go afk, no point in trying to compete with shortbow thief since 8/12 trials are movement based. 

    I found this is another flaw of the Celestial Challenge, certain elite specs or professions can easily dominate the events, if they got amazing mobility, also can cleave and have good single target damage, they can easily be top contributor on nearly every events.


    So It can get pretty one sided at times.


    But yeah, I guess you can just relax if it got one sided. Don't try to compete, just do it at your own pace. Let the others zoom around and be busy 😉

  7. 1 hour ago, rrusse.7058 said:

    I like the sound of nw adjustments to improve  the event. Sorry if I am not understanding correctly, but how does prevent AFK farming the event if it is something like Ox Challenge?


    An AFKer could get "credit" if they are able to tag any of the mobs by being in the aggro area no?


    They will get credit if they managed to kill something while they are AFK. If they don't kill anything or even gather something. They won't get credits at all. And I think giving boons won't work either, unless you hit a mob (But I can't really confirm it.). AFK minion necro, or turret engi would still kinda work though...


    If Anet can put something like Inactivity timer, this could help. But from what I see it only exists in PvP-like game modes where there are teams. (Example: Winter Wonderland JP during wintersday)


    Another way is by increasing the goal requirement. But this will turn the AFKer into grievers instead. And there are no way to kick them out the area.


    At the current state, someone just need to kill one thing, grab a mote to get a participation and then they can just not do anything afterwards, and still get a point.


    And also AFK-ing in Celestial challenge in the current state is actually not really a bad thing to have. It allows more challenges to appear, meaning more points for everyone. So in a way it's actually benefecial? If on a room with no AFK-er you will usually get 5 points (Assuming you never get the top contributor at all) With one AFK-er, you can get 6 points instead, sometimes even 7 points.


    The worst case will happen with the rework idea though, everyone will just have 6 points with AFK-er present, if they can't fulfill the goal requirement.

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  8. Funny thing about Celestial Challenge is when people actually AFK in it, it will reward the contestants with extra points for the chests. This is because you need to fill the bar to get to the end of the Challenge, where the chests will spawn. If each of the challenges didn't receive extra blessing from people completing the challenge, it will add more challenges, until the main bar is completely filled and that means extra points for everyone. But if no one doing it at all, the challenges will loop over and over, potentially forever. Or at least until people start working on the challenges again.


    I have an idea on how to fix this.They can make it so there will be 6 fixed rounds of randomized challenges. Each time the challenge bar is completely filled, every contributors will get two points. Otherwise it will be just one for the contributors.  If they still need to have top contributor thingy, they can give the top contributor some extra Little Lucky Envelopes instead.


    This way people can work together to get every chests open.

    • Like 6
  9. Divine Conquerer Outfit is bugged for female charr, at least when I preview it. It made the eyes looked quite different. On male charr, at least mine, it will make the jaw open a bit more wider usual, and is more ridgid looking. I don't know if this will also affect the real in game model too.



  10. I think they can do better to improve it. Like, Whenever good fortune triggers everyone got two scores. The top contributor can still stay, but instead of giving extra scores, it gives Little Lucky Envelopes instead. And make it 6 events each rounds. Giving people a chance to open all the available chests.

    Another thing that I found strange, you'll get more scores if there are people leeching and not getting lots of good fortunes. So I find for once leeching is actually benefecial. At least in this event, lol.

    Edit: Oh! I see Luthan already put the things I want to say before I did. Lol! Never knew they were already putting 2 scores when you get good fortunes in the past. Please revert it back Anet!

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  11. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    Also, please explain to me how that would solve the issue when it's a very specific issue that is affecting everyone on EU on/in those specific maps/campaigns and not a random issue with generally connecting to ANet's servers.

    Well, I'm afraid I don't know much about ANet's server conditions. What I did was just explaining about VPN, and how it can help sometimes.If the problem lies in the servers, then VPN won't really do much.Have to say, I'm also pretty curious if VPN users actually had better ping and network stability in GW2 than us, non-VPN users.

  12. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Ionut.2307 said:Has anyone tried using a VPN and see if there is any improvement?

    That's unlikely seeing as this affects only certain maps/campaign and not the game as a whole.

    People tend to confuse lag (client-sided) with latency (server-sided issue).
    The issue here is latency.
    If you are experiencing lag, your hardware can't cope with the current game requirements.

    Ah, but I'm afraid you had the wrong idea. VPN can be used to improve latency, usually by bypassing problematic network line.And on some cases, it might also improve your ping too.

  13. Hi! As you guys known. Sometimes there are people who jumped as their massive sized charr or norn (Myself included) cause they can't jump as anything else (It seems silly, but it's true!), and it is making some problem for some people who jumped as much smaller characters.

    So here's the suggestion: Why not implement standard character models from PvP to this JP too? Since the JP is already a bit like a PvP arena. This way, people won't have massive charr or norn obstructing their view again, and charr or norn player can jump without worrying much about smaller characters around them as charr or norn.

    Also, happy Wintersday!

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