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Posts posted by empireofmatt.7538

  1. I like the idea of being able to have shields be backpack skins but turning it into some unique thing everyone can use sounds like a horrible idea from a number of points...

    legendary weapons are a big investment for a lot of people with a preset purpose, adding things to this is fine (making minstrel a musical instrument for example) but removing the core functionality and moving it somewhere else so that it doesn't act like the other core weapons is ... complicated.

    you also have an assortment of achievements that would be affected as it would work differently slayer for a start could still function but it has to be an equipped weapon changing the typing could break this achievement or require rework, and in the past Anet have been hesitant to add or remove weapon types, for example all the spear hype generated from Heart of thorns, and the complications of underwater combat. on top of this there is a lot of black lion skin achievements that require the now 16 core types of weapons, would shields still be included in this after this change you propose? would it be 15 skins and shields are earned differently? backpack skins are rewarded for much different content, achievements and challenges compared to shields would lumping them together not ruin that dynamic as people vi for a suitable shield with more function over said backpack and being a much more common type of reward?

    mechanically speaking as well, these additional skills that are now on every class per your proposal, where will they be bound, how would they be set up on a guardian with 3 skills already on the default of F1, F2 and F3 to the engineer which has 5 skills on the same default line? how would it function in combat animation wise, when using the shield does it temporarily replace one of your weapons on your arm or stay on your back? if it has additional skills you would be running an inferior build for not having a shield skin or shield backpack variant over your standard backpack no?

    and this is a bit of a nit pick because I play an engineer and I just found it funny, "For professions who use shields it could be replaced with another weapon; example Engineer could get off dagger, torch or axe which all fit in with the engineer", I personally find dagger and axe to be quite the stretch and torch is closer for blowtorches etc but still an unlikely thing for an engineer based on the majority of skins in the game currently and how they function, but I say this because you didn't say Mace ... the small cousin of the hammer ... the weapon that has a wrench skin ... the wrench skin a tool that is just outside of the reach of every engineer in Guild wars ... I hate that Anet have had 2 chances to give it to us for main and offhand use and still no sign of it on the horizon.

  2. Things that Anet could have done to have made this somewhat acceptable ...

    • Remove the randomness of buying the mount skins, 9600 gems for wanting or liking just one skin is absurd, providing players with choice is always beneficial.
    • single mount skins should be more in line with glider costs (I understand that reskinning a mount could be more work than reskinning a glider but 300 to 1000 gems seems more reasonable, unlike the 2000 gems for the reforged warhound skin)
    • I actually liked and supported the halloween bundle of skins that was for 1600 gems for 5 skins as it was great value, would have preferred seeing the new 30 skins being in bundles of this price or slightly less.
    • I really really didn't want mounts to become just like gliders, I'm fine with some cosmetics being purchasable as it helps provide variety and it gives people chances to support the game and it's developers but I want some things to be earnable in game, I want to work for things not with just money but with time and dedication ... we can currently only earn the basic glider and any glider attached to the legendary backpacks in game and now we can only earn the basic mounts in PoF.

    The fact that there's no heart vendors or special merchants or anything that sells even a variant of the base mounts or additional dye channels is stupid as providing more in game rewards for people to work towards or make into ingame goals will get people to actually play your game more frequently.

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