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Posts posted by IchigoHatake.5098

  1. @"mindcircus.1506" said:No.... you posted the screenshot as a big "look how everyone else sucks compared to me".

    The whole point of me using that screenshot was to show that dps meter allows you to see who is not contributing. This was to support the argument that dps meter should be allowed. If you took at the time stamp at the bottom, it was very recent, so I was able to find it quickly to illustrate my point. I would need to spend more time to look for another log. I did not intend to show off dps, there is nothing to show off, many players play better than me. I realize now that the log makes it look like I'm just bragging about my damage.

    i don't know if that raid was a training run, it was not advertised as such. I don't know what the circumstances were, but it certainly seemed like an exp run, the boon up times were quite good. Some of these players were support, so their dps is going to be low. However, there are a few dps players who were not contributing (doing less than average damage for the class and dying to mechanics). This is why it's important to have a dps meter.

  2. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    1. All this picture tells me is that you are probably playing with the wrong group
    2. Humblebragging is so 2010

    How would you know you are playing with the wrong group without a dps tool? All you would know is that the boss is dead and nothing else without it. I used the screenshot as an example to show why we need the tool.

  3. @Zero.6082Having a meta build doesn't mean anything if you can't use it properly. If you got a whisper saying that your dps needs to be better, it is clear that you are not playing the class very well. If you had a dps meter, you can see what you did wrong and why your dmg was lower than others.

    Meta builds are made under the assumption that you have good support that have provide high boon uptime. Your group had a druid with longbow and had no one providing quickness. Your group was very far from meta. Therefore, in your case, you will definitely do better by changing your traits/build to have more support rather than going full dmg. If everyone was truly playing meta builds and playing properly, you would kill the boss so quickly that it won't have time to do damage to you. Watch any fractal speedclear and you will see that the boss dies before it can do anything. Not every group can kill bosses as fast as these people, but you can still kill it fast enough that you avoid many mechanics.

    Regarding what you said about people who write builds have stake in them... Nothing is preventing you from investing in these runes/sigils. Scholar runes have also been the meta for power dps for such a long time now, so you can expect every new build for power to use them. These build creators are not putting these runes/sigils in the build just because they have a huge supply of it, they are used because they are the best. If you can prove that some other rune/sigil is better, then your rune/sigil will be the meta.

  4. @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:didn't 3rd party dps tools used to only show the dps of others using the tool? seems like this would be the best solution. big laughs at ppl who think dps tools are needed to clear content.

    You are right, you don't need dps tools to clear content, but it allows you to see what's going right and what's not. This way you can improve. You can also see which player is not pulling their weight.

    Take a look at this: YefP49r.pngDid we kill the boss? Sure... but so many players here did not really contribute; they did not deserve the kill. I did over 40% of the total damage. Just because the boss dies, doesn't mean everything is fine. Not only was the damage low, some of them died to mechanics. You often have people not doing their part and are carried by those who know what they are doing. Without dps tools, you wouldn't know this, and players will continue to think that they are doing "good".

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