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Posts posted by Frenzify.6832

  1. These aren't even bad arguments, to be fair. I was going through the story actively trying to keep positive, and see the good points, because otherwise I would have found it to be a little bit of a slog. At the same time, I can't be too harsh on some of the writing, as some things were very much telegraphed. For example, I can't hate Aurene's resurrection too much, since it was a ridiculously predictable outcome from eating Joko. At the same time just because it was obvious that doesn't mean it was good. Certainly not now that she's essentially immune to death, right? Unless I understood things wrong. But there was just such a major and exaggerated victory for the commander, along with Aurene being a death immune elder dragon now, without no lingering threat to address, that I couldn't get behind it.

    Her talking was also weird, not because it was particularly bad, but because it was just pushed on us, barely processed, and then instantly treated as nothing special. Like, there were one or two comments of a couple of words when it happened, and then that was it.

    In terms of Kralk, in hindsight I'm trying to think of it with the fact that he was injured, in mind. Even still, when we were flying on Aurene in the first instance things felt far too easy, and Kralk barely did anything besides throw a few rocks at us, and swipe his tail a few times, while we were dragon breathing on him, and being a potentially lethal pest to him. Yeah, he felt big, but he didn't feel like a threat, at all. So when he went down, it didn't feel all that earned to me, but again, in hindsight, if we were to play it immediately after the previous chapter, after the fight before, where Aurene "died," and then we immediately went into the next chapter flying on her back and fighting a recently injured Kralk perhaps it would have made it feel a little less... anti-climactic. But again, how much time has passed between them? And there's also the fact that you'd have to go to Lion's Arch, just to go back again.

    I did kind of like the Hearts and Minds-esqe fight against him, but it still felt like a cop out, especially after the "fight" riding on Aurene's back, that I feel could have been expanded on and made into a final fight, and even more so since we have the Skyscale mechanics now, that they could have also probably implemented into a flying fight with Kralk. I get that we got redemption for him (probably too much and too ham-fisted), when we went inside him, but doing the same kind of thing as Mordremoth felt a little repetitive to me, though I did enjoy it.

    The one thing I could not forgive about the story though, was the absolute lack of Zojja. At this point whatever behind the scenes crap is going on should have just resulted in a new voice actress. But even if we wouldn't have been able to see Zojja, at the very fucking least mention her and acknowledge her existence at the death of Destiny Edge's main foe. Is she dead, Anet? Is she in a permanent coma? I don't even care what at this point, but I just find it to be a kick in the metaphorical nuts for her character that she may as well not even exist anymore. I would honestly prefer they kill her off, at this point, than string her along, complete unmentioned, while her ex-guild is swimming in development.

  2. I understand some of the people who just want to consume the story, and may be annoyed with parts of the game that they consider too difficult, but at the same time... what's the point of even playing a game at that point? I feel like many people just want this to essentially be a movie where there's very little effort on the player's part to consume the story, and it's incredibly annoying to see that being catered to. Because this isn't a movie. It's a game. You shouldn't just be able to spam 1 and your heal every now and then, for an easy win, but that's seriously the case with many bosses. The Scruffy fight is an outlier amongst a horde of simple and uninspired boss fights. I shudder to think of them making bosses even easier than they already are. And I promise, this isn't me being a tryhard asshole, throwing out comments like "git gud." I am by no means a great gw2 player. I consider myself a casual player. It's just that at what point do you stop lowering the difficulty? Should it be easy for even the most beginner of players that there's really no accomplishment in beating it, making it just a means to consume the story? I understand that many fights may go on for too long, but rather than making the game easier, maybe it should reevaluate how it implements difficulty, rather than just outright making the game easier. Because in a game that many already feel like there's little to do, simplifying more content seems like a terrible idea.

  3. I really don't expect a GW3 any time soon. I wouldn't mind a sequel eventually, but having one just for reasons such as wanting new races, new regions, or what have you, is not the greatest of reasons for making a completely new MMO. That's exactly why expansions exist. Creating a new MMO and maintaining it is neither an easy nor cheap task. I know GW1 is still running and being partially maintained by a small team, but I'm not sure GW2 would be sustained on a split team, with resources being split between GW2 and GW3. As has been repeated throughout the thread, if they were to make a new MMO it would need to be with significant improvements/changes, such as an engine overhaul; a significant change to the mechanics; other stuff that can't be fixed with a simple patch, or be put into an expansion.

    I see people commenting that 5 years is already too old, and it really baffles me that these people think that MMOs have lifespans as short as that. I'll just say this; MMOs are not your franchise games that get crapped out annually, to make a quick buck, and you can't judge their lifespan in comparison to those games. MMOs are made to last, otherwise the developers would be haemorrhaging money.

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