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Everything posted by TheMaverick.6104

  1. Nope, they will stay. Just log in with the account you have been using and its ok.
  2. Reached the cap ages ago, but i still do dailies. I shifted my focus for dailies to pvp/wvw because of potions. The two Gold are also nice. Alao check if there is daily mystic forger, that gives a mystic coin.
  3. Always go to the correct realm before setting your build. I prefer it this way.
  4. There are things that has made me sod off for the evening and go farm iron instead. Downed state is not one of them.
  5. I guess they still need to reach level 20 anyway, so they still have that experience. They might even become better when the time comes, too, from playing with a disadvantage.
  6. Those who are salty never contribute anything useful with their comments, so i treat the comments as such; nothing. Block if they start whispering.
  7. I see some problem with that you can learn to a certain level and still be roflstomped into oblivion by the ‘right’ build. And it happens in seconds.
  8. Both skins should be available from the mystic forge part, you unlock skins you dont have that way.
  9. Had the problem too, but a restart of game helped. But was a slow reaction before home instance loaded.
  10. I have an asura Firebrand i use for everything. Love the combo.With the firebrand spec i play with the specific axe and focus on one set, scepter and shield for ranged.Greatsword is a good weapon to go with when core, good damage. Personally i prefer one ranged set in addition, without dragonhunter that would be scepter, and i go for shield for cc and blocks. Firebrand is also the go to for support.For PVE and SPVP server is not important. Only important for wvw. Would probably go for a server that is marked as Medium or very full if wvw is your thing. Servers marked as full is not available currently to join.Gw2 wiki is also a good place to go to for details not always remembered, traits etc for each class is mentioned and described there. Im often checking it myself to find details forgotten. Mapchat is also helpful, if someone nearby has an answer to give. WB and hope you have fun. :)
  11. Im EU and can help in 5 hours from now, that's usually when i start coming online.Gaining level and equipping better gear may also help in the meantime.
  12. Came to pvp needing dungeon tokens. Now im quite regular. Im far from top, but if you just started last week, you may have a tough time. Tried a couple builds to see What worked for me. Thought it was a bit boring too, to begin with. Learned that if not easy, it can be solved with time.
  13. I dont mind the world bosses. Used to do the a lot back in the days. As new content has come out, i have moved on quite a bit, particularly newer metas in Hot and Pof. They are technically new worldbosses. And yes, there are people doing them, lfg and mapchat is your friend.
  14. Im currently at Max mastery level minus the raid related levels. Never worked specifically to get there. I followed the story, checked the maps a bit as i went. Maybe i checked an achievement that was almost done. Dont force it harder than you have to.
  15. bs ? base health pool ? Clones, invisibles... annoying stuff
  16. Take the opponent with the least bs first. For instance guardian and mesmer, take guardian first, then focus clone heavy mesmer after.
  17. Its more of a disadvantage not to take your sides beast. In a pinch you might even want to take theirs.
  18. No, i dont want them on point because it means we are not capping. ?
  19. New level 80 maps is needed, but the ones that come from LS feels too specfic. They feel too incoherrent with the rest. The ones that fet adferd could see a better utilisation, not the current «spamming» of maps. One thing that makes hot and PoF maps work is the common theme and that they are connected to eachother. Several maps released at once, would create a better flow, when one could take the time with them and get the feel for them, and not just stress with them while there is still people there. Also, Silverwastes and Dry Top is still the better non core LS maps in my book.
  20. Besides of player driven metas, im open to most things.
  21. There is only one way to deal with it.. that is to not care so much and dont take it so seriously. Start looking at it as entertainment. Most of the toxicity comes from them being mad at themselves over you being better than them.
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