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Posts posted by Zordimus.5901

  1. I think I have forgot to mention that I will totally buy PoF (I already own HoT) as soon as PoF gets released in a physical form like HoT, (I like to get games in physical form if possible) I still lvl my characters through core game and soon I will get to HoT, I love GW2 so trust me when I say I'm not defending free players when I ask for lower mount dmg. It's simply my everyday experience in core game with my characters encountering mounted players dmg.If Anet is already working on tweaking the mount attacks so it's ballanced better for all levels, I'm really happy about that then! ^.^

    In every other aspect I don't think mounts could have a negative effect on free players or HoT players, I don't mind if PoF mounts make it easy for other players to get up to vistas or move around even faster. I prefer to get up to vistas the normal way, and go to places on foot, mounts and teleports make the virtual world experience smaller, but every player can decide for themselves if they want to use mounts and teleports or not! :)

  2. I read many posts and I still think that GW2 game experience got ruined for those players who would wish to play the core game and HoT (so they have payed to play aswell) content the way it was originally intended. PoF mounts are loved by many players and I think they are cool, but the attack the mounts have are way OP and easy to use, so those mount attacks all need a lot bigger cooldown, minimum a 60sec cooldown on all mount attacks! Lot's of players use mount attacks in low lvl zones, in low lvl events, and normal players have no chance to hit even 1 mob if mounted players aoe kill all that spawn in 1 hit with mount attack, then mount back up run/teleport/jump on mount to next point mobs spawn and aoe kill those aswell in 1 hit aoe mount attack! This happens really often, way too often. I saw someone said they do almost same dmg with weapon skill, but my experience with before PoF and after PoF says otherwise. Before PoF never did any player killed 5 event mobs in 1 aoe hit, (no weapon skill or any other player skill can do that, even if it could, the skill then would have a big cooldown, also players strength is synced down to lower lvl content) sadly with OP mount attacks that don't even have a big cooldown at all, those players can kill massive amounts of mobs in no time at all! Often normal players can't even get a bronze medal since they can't even land 1 hit! Mount attacks are too OP, those are not synced down good enough they aoe kill in 1 hit everything! This has to change, I can't understand how is it possible that this dosn't bother mounted players since they are unable to hit anything eighter (in lower lvl zones) if another mounted player is faster than them, so this is a problem for everyone! Please Anet put a big coodown on all of the mount attacks or greatly lower all mount attack dmg!Let lower lvl zones be played as intended by everyone! Please don't ruin the game experience with these OP mount attacks.

  3. In my oppinion free players and HoT (so payed to play) players are in a disadvantage because currently mounted (so PoF) players are able to aoe kill event and quest mobs in 1 hit and mount back up fast and keep doing it over and over again leaving no mobs for normal and HoT players to kill, sometimes players are unable to hit even 1 mob to get at least a bronze medal at the end! These OP mount skills need to get a minimum of 60sec or more cooldown so PoF players don't kill all the mobs in an event and leave nothing for other players!

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