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  1. I genuine did not remember you already talk about it days ago, so I don't want to argue or repeat actually.. this is probably sign for me, whole discussion is going on very long and lose focus, so I agree and also leave now Like you say, everything we wanted to say we did already
  2. Well for start maybe think about Ascalon and try to apply your points to it: long past race-centric storylines: "Sorry, Ascalon just stay cursed forever!" could be major GW history of Tyria which the whole setting and story is based on... But we don't do this anymore, so just sweep it under the rug or something. I am just saying what all is wasted when they never write about it.
  3. I think you misunderstand, I don't want playable races to fight like Charr vs Sylvari.. Just to let races deal with the own culture, history and conflicts. Mini expansions are perfect for this, but it is not possible if all races are just "Alliance" and fight against "new world ending threat". And what identity do they have now? "The good guys"? It is a fantasy game with unique playable races. Their identity start where they grow up, what they learn and what they do with it. Most Asura don't grow up in Black Citadel and join a Charr legion. Most Charr don't grow up in Rata Sum and study at Asura colleges. and Norn don't go to the Grove and try to be a plant. If you take away origin, culture and development of characters, you don't have unique races anymore. only "good side vs. big bad evil" which is same every time.
  4. It only don't matter anymore because Anet just says "everyone are friends now" after the Dragons are gone. GW2 personal story made differences of races clear, unique traits, advantages... for example: Why should genius Asura inventors, who often act arrogant, superior, just give most advanced weapon technology to someone else? without benefit for them, they have no reason to do this. Why should strict military Charr legions care about some plant people having random problem somewhere? without benefit for them, they have no reason to do this. They only all became ally (Pact) to solve world ending threat together: Elder Dragons. but they are gone. Now it is Alliance, everyone helps everyone again, all good guys are the same and fight together! Because... why again? It really is not much variation, interesting story you could tell in Tyria. Different nations, races have different interests, issues to solve. It offers so much to write about. With globalized world for fantasy MMO setting.. communicators call everywhere all time.. alliance for everyone to lose identity. Maybe there are some reasons why story is not really strongest point of GW2
  5. Yes, it is also not seen as rich country in the world? with big difference of natural resources ...which Kryta does not have anything special. I wanted to joke about it and say maybe they can sell miniature Queen Jennahs 😃 Sylvari, I don't think they are strong in military too. Only connected with Mordremoth maybe? But alone they don't have plant-airships or plant-tanks... like Asura, Charr. The logic is simple: some nations in Tyria have strong military (Charr) or advance technology (Asura, Cantha). other nations are average, struggling, surviving (Kryta) or still have to learn (Sylvari) Kryta have Watchknights by a single engineer now. That is great, but don't mean they have everything what other nations have, too. Airships, magitech cannons, tanks... are not "missing" in Kryta military because Anet have no time for story there. They are missing because Kryta is a "poor" nation who just don't have all these weapons, resources. Kryta was sabotaged, destroyed and struggled to survive. They have nothing special for trade or exchange with other nations. That is how they wrote it: some nations are strong/wealthy, some are poor/weak. It is basic storytelling and we don't need to imagine "everyone have money + advanced weapons" in Tyria. Of course centaurs are not a threat for Alliance... nothing really is a threat for alliance, like I say it's too strong for everything.
  6. It is true they have metal armor, but they have the material (ore) and production (blacksmith) available in their lands. So most important things: swords, shields, armor they can create alone in war economy. But, they don't have airship production at home. I think you can find countries in real life too: just because rich people buy yachts, it don't mean country has navy with huge, expensive battleships. Nations can recover.. or fail: Is Kryta a wealthy, rich nation? most is just farmlands, villages and swamps. even Divinity's Reach was just hastily built and never had large scale defense weapons: cannons,... What can Kryta produce, export, sell to other nations in Tyria? They don't have much, other than what they need for own population, rebuild and defense
  7. See this is whole point of this thread. We don't really know about Kryta today. You say they were sabotaged constantly: A sabotaged army have high losses, drain of resources and low morale from defeats. Second, you assume Kryta have infinite wealth/resources. After they lose thousands soldiers, weapons, harvest from Centaur attacks: what does economy of Kryta look like? Where they got all the money to buy 100 airships, expensive cavalry..? Maybe they spend all resources left on "wonder weapon" Watchknights, and have nothing else. Because they are only thing confirmed in the story. SotO information: Queen Jennah's watchknights are an outlier among semiautonomous constructs, designed by a single engineer with comparatively limited resources.
  8. Really come on, is that not just imagination... where do you get Seraph Cavlry from? Some points about Seraphs: "patrols that struggle to keep roads free of bandit attacks and centaur raids." they are also the most beleaguered, struggling to maintain supplies and munitions for their soldiers. The highest rank in the Seraph is captain. At any given time, the queen has from five to ten captains in the Seraph All of this does not sound like it is well equipped super army. Much more like struggling, basic army of Kryta. They can have high numbers from population join, but probably most are just basic soldiers.
  9. Sorry but I think you need research instead, before telling wrong information. Lineage on mobile is "Lineage M" and much higher: Lineage M: 106,974 million KRW Lineage: 24,554 million KRW GW2: 23,480 million KRW But like I say tells us nothing about all games, which is good, healthy... GW2 game design needs lot of players online in every map because of Open World dynamic events. It is more important here than in other MMOs who focus on quests, dungeons... So it is different if GW2 have 1,000 players spend $100 every month or 10,000 players spend $10 every month to populate all open world map events, PvP, WvW. That's why player count tells much more for gameplay than sale data
  10. NCsoft data from 2Q 2024 shows: Lineage: 24,554 million KRW GW2: 23,480 million KRW Lineage, release in 1998 earns more than GW2 😃 So sales data can not really tell new players about the game, only "monetization works". GW2 sells cosmetic skin outfit for $25,00 now in 2024. Infinite gathering tools for $35,00 even very price sensitive player base...? 😃 I think Arenanet know better about GW2 demographic than us
  11. GW2 also increase monetization with yearly mini expansion for $25, no more free to unlock $0 Living World... When you sell more products more often to same number of players, earnings can grow. When you sell more products more often to smaller number of players, earnings can be stable/same So population is probably stable but not certain growing or not: Janthir expansion trailers have 70,000 - 200,000 views. GW2 Youtube channel has 183,000 subscribers Not really sign for huge new popularity outside GW2 player base. who talk about GW2 Janthir expansion online? Have not seen any hype, interest anywhere
  12. That would mean 5 million concurrent players logged in the same time. Please tell us when you find a MMO with this many players 😃 E: found all-time peak concurrent players on Steam: PUBG: 3,25 million Black Myth: 2,4 million Palworld: 2,1 million Counter-Strike2: 1,8 million Lost Ark: 1,3 million So let's just say GW2 has not double player numbers of most popular games in the world...
  13. What numbers could ever avoid "muliple accounts per user"? It's same for all other numbers and has no relevance here. Is there any evidence for the opposite then, game growing after decade and longer? And what do you believe, is GW2 growing, decline or constant then?
  14. I still can't imagine what Kryta forces defense look like today: Divinity's Reach: has huge walls, magical shield, but nothing like cannons point outwards? Seraph: normal soldiers Watchknights: how many, we ever saw outside of Festival events? Ellen Kiel/Lionguard: have airship, but has it weapons? or just to evacuate people ... Watchknights only used during Festival make it hard to judge abilities, because it all is about fun, grinding seasonal event in-game. So what weapons does Kryta have, what defense...? I still have image of Shaemoor Garrison shooting with medieval catapults at centaurs...
  15. You both say WoW decline but GW2 probably grow, why? https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics 443,466 Core account 418,240 HoT account 399,816 PoF account 270,251 EoD account 174,249 SotO account 92,718 Janthir account (so far, still new) it's old accounts too, but numbers drop far most since EoD, SotO Game get older, old players leave and less new players buy game of 2012 today.
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