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  1. This just isn't correct. When is the last time you played wow? The whole americas + oceanic are connected, servers are virtually meaningless.
  2. I was responding to the remark that the technology doesn’t exist. Wow has done it for over a decade and crowfall took it to another level. Impossible to speculate on technical limitations unless you have the source code so no point assuming anything.
  3. Below the map in-game. Currently in SEA off-peak + EU peak and SEA has more players online in cities.
  4. People from these regions simply DONT PLAY gw2 at the moment because nobody likes playing with 250 ping. They play wow, albion and FF14 instead, since those are the mmos that have oceanic servers. Gw2 could absolutely throw their hat in the ring and draw players from those MMOs if they opened up local servers.
  5. That's not true. Crowfall had all regions connected to local data centers, and even individual maps had their own region so people could compete globally and areas on the map where they'd have low ping. I could be in the oceanic maps and have 20 ping, or go invade the EU maps and play on 300 moments later.
  6. SEA server on albion is currently more populated than NA+EU server. I wouldn't underestimate the region's ability to fill servers.
  7. I mean, yeah possibly. Tbh I would be surprised if they did. But I'd still like to be able to host custom lobbies on AWS servers in more regions. That would be enough for pvp players to compete all around the world.
  8. Whether an SEA region is viable or not, who knows? No point speculating. A fantastic compromise would be being able to create custom lobbies in AWS regions would give us a corner of the game we can enjoy. I can deal with high ping in pve. I'd pay for it in the shop to maintain a lobby hosted in AWS Sydney so I can play competitively with the people in my region.
  9. The game is 10 years old. It still absolutely holds up and I've had a blast coming back to it. Please follow the success that Albion Online did and make the base game F2P and open SEA servers so that SEA/OCE/Korea can enjoy this game on <100ms. (I'd also settle for being able to make custom pvp lobbies on AWS regions other than USE) Respectfully, -- An oceanic gw2 enthusiast.
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